I found this super cute notebook…

Super cute notebook

When I was on one of my artist dates with myself I scored two things that made me really happy in the thrift shop. You know the kind of things that makes you smile as you unpack them when you come home. The first one was the Swedish translation of Tristine Rainer’s book The New Diary (Den nya dagboken) which I am reading right now. It is not really new, the Swedish version was published in 1984, but it is still accurate and interesting. Well, I love it! I love reading about journaling because I’ve done it for so long myself.

The second find this small notebook with cool designed pages:

Donna's soulmate notebook

I was really surprised to happen upon this one. Paper goods of any kind except used books are rare in Swedish thrift shops and flea markets. This one is a newly produced thing, but still blank and as-new. I guess the price is part of the reason I am so thrilled with this find. In a paper shop it would probably be around 150 sek, and now it was just 10 ($1.60)!

I had to snap photos of some of the spreads just to share them with you. I am inspired by all of these beautiful pages that some day I might write little poems on…

Super cute notebook

Super cute notebook
Super cute notebook
Super cute notebook
Super cute notebook
Super cute notebook
Super cute notebook
Super cute notebook
Super cute notebook
Super cute notebook
Super cute notebook
Super cute notebook
Super cute notebook

Super cute notebook

Life is a journey, don't your forget it!

Life is a journey and don’t you forget it!

Super cute notebook

28 Responses

  1. What a great find!!! I can’t wait to see what you do with it! Those papers are fabulous!

  2. What a great find!!! I can’t wait to see what you do with it! Those papers are fabulous!

  3. such an awesome book! wow :-)
    Happy Belated Birthday!
    I haven’t been commenting for a while but I am always excited when I see a new post from you in my RSS reader :-)

  4. what a great find!!! I love finding “treasures” like that in unexpected places!!!

    Also, I’m having a give away over at my blog if you’d like to come check it out!


  5. My favorite thing in the world is to find awesome books at the thrift, Journals are a super hard find! I recently found a Kelly Raye journal and got it for $2!!! Score for both of us!

  6. I have a first edition of The New Diary as well (in English). It’s in about 9 different pieces these days and I keep meaning to buy a new copy. It’s still my go-to book for ideas and inspiration when I’m journaling.

  7. The new diary is my absolute favorite book on journaling and it just doesn’t seem to go out of style! Wonderful finds!

  8. Thats a gorgeous little notebook & an absolute bargain! I have been surfing the net looking for ideas as I am itching to start my own art journal & I just found your blog tonight. I will be back for more tomorrow :)

  9. Wonderful thrift score! I love those variable page notebooks. Almost makes me scared to start writing in them. I think Doma is the name of a Korean stationery company. I lived in East Asia for several years and the I could peruse stationery stores for hours! There was just tons of eye candy like your notebook. Drool!

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