Artist Date with cozy autumn vibes We went on a little excursion and since I felt infused with inspiration afterwards, I’m gonna call it my artist date… Categories Creativity & Life/Inspiration/Photography
Create along with me – a new blog series Today I am starting a new blog post series called Create Along with iHanna. Please join in! It will be a… Categories Inspiration/Tutorials
Artist Date at Hornsgatspuckeln The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust As the self-proclaimed… Categories Creative People
Inspired at the Haberdashery Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they… Categories Fabric & Sewing
Creative Snapshots | Other’s Creative Space I love visiting the creative space of other people. Places where you can detect the artist in every item, in the… Categories Photography
Week in the Life | Tuesday Photos It doesn’t at all feel like a choir to carry the “big camera” around this year. It weights only happiness. These… Categories Creativity & Life
I found this super cute notebook… When I was on one of my artist dates with myself I scored two things that made me really happy in… Categories Journaling & Notebooks
An Artist Date in town One day last week was spent with a friend in town. We had lunch, exchanged gifts, talked and laughed – and… Categories Inspiration
I had a Play Date today I had a play date today – with me and my art journal! SuziBlu’s home assignment for this week was a… Categories Art journaling/Draw & doodle
Street heart If your are in Stockholm on a weekend, be sure to visit the new market Street Stockholm. Mom and I went… Categories Inspiration