Art Journaling check in – Week 2

Imaginary Boyfriend out walking - Art Journal detail

It is the end of the second week of this year and I’ve been doing art journaling every day for this whole time! Things that I can notice by this practice is that:

  • I have a gianormous love for art journaling & a passion for art
  • I feel generally more happy when I have created just a little bit in my art journal
  • It is easier to get started and come back when I am in the habit of it already
  • Everything I see turns into “art journaling inspiration” right now

All that said I haven’t created as much this week as I did the first intense art journaling week 1 when I had more holiday time at home and less meetings. The above image is the Strathmore class; reuse an old page (or in my case art work), make a photocopy and use it in a different way.

This page was inspired by Tammy:

Mod meditation: friendship
It is a meditation on friendship.

Tammy writes about the exercise mod meditation:

    Put an image or word in the center of a piece of heavy white paper or the next page in your journal. Work through the remnants in your scrap paper stash by gluing narrow strips of paper onto the edges of your center image working outward until you reach the edges. As you glue and glue, let your mind wander.

Then one night I took out my watercolour set and sketched out a girl:

Black haired girl
Black haired girl, watercolours and collage on the side.

And while on the phone I doodled this monster with a graphite pencil.
On the phone doodle monster
I think he turned out very unlike anything I have previously drawn, but fun and cute. I think I will scan this pencil drawing for reference and then add some colours to him. I could even print out a few copies of the same monster and colour it in different ways just for fun! :-)

Except for the art journaling I try to keep up with my photography inspiration class A Slice of Life and so far so good, even though the light here is bad and not very inspiring. I guess the photography is one reason I have not yet written as much as I wanted to. It takes time to edit, upload and check in even on online classes. If you are in need of some more inspiration, here are some links I am inspired by right now!

Art Journaling Ideas for next week

Take care!

16 Responses

  1. I love how your workshop page is coming along. I’m loving the workshop! Your insights about art are interesting. I’m happier when I create too and you’re right, it’s easier when there’s a habit.

  2. Hanna, I so agree about feeling better when I do just a little bit of art!! And your monster ROCKS!! Love those lips :D

  3. Hanna – you go girl! You are off to an amazing start in 2011. I love the collage with the strips. It’s like the “log cabin” style in quilting. I’ve thought about doing an entire journal just with quilt patterns. Now it’s back in my head again! Thanks a lot…!!! LOL

  4. I might do it to my journal too. I just love the idea of using strips of paper to make you think. Sometimes art journal pages that require a little bit of patience are the ones that I reflect a lot and usually love the outcome.
    The sketches are looking amazing. The art journal ideas makes me want to just grab my journal and do something.

  5. As always, one awesome post! I did a gray page last night – not my favorite color either, but I like the page, and I am thinking that I might need to play with this color some more. I’ll be playing with some of these other ideas as well!

  6. Hanna, your doodles and drawings have such a unique character! I do love the page of repeated strips of paper, and I’m so happy you had fun with the creative experiments this month!

    I’m liking the idea of 1) having a list of creative things to explore the following week and 2) the gray page!

  7. hi miss hanna! i just stopped by to get some journaling inspiration and saw you linked to my work in your list of things to try!! haha! i love that, thank you!!! xoxo

  8. Ohhhh.. I love the guy in the first photo. Bravo to you for journaling every day in this new year!!!!

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