Dixieland Tree Embroidery

Dixieland Tree - embroidery detail by iHanna (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

I’m proud to present the Dixieland Tree Embroidery with hand stitched patchwork border, batting as backing and lots of small stitches all around:

Dixieland Tree Embroidery by iHanna (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Dixieland Tree – Embroidery ready to hang. What do you think?

While working on Dixieland Tree I have really had many beautiful moments that I cherish in my heart. I was visiting my friend Maria when I really got into this embroidery so my memory of that summer week with her is filled with images of us sewing together. We did sew at lots of different cafés, in front of the TV (watching Dexter) and me sitting at her balcony with a glass of wine by my side – all the time this embroidery in my hands. Oh how much I loved making this embroidery! I hurried back after the warm brisk evening walk, thinking up new branches to add to it.

Sometimes I needed to do other things though, so I promised I would just thread another color of floss and do a couple more stitches before I would stop – and then I continued to sew until my back hurt and my fingers were prickled with holes.

I hope you recognize that feeling of love for what you create, it’s a magical feeling that takes you into the flow of creativity. I wish it for you all!

Dixieland Tree - embroidery detail (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
This is the spot where the sun hits the tree first each morning – lightening up the beautiful colors and welcoming little happy bees for pollination breakfast. :-)

I took some more photos though the light is quite a problem here in winter. I finished the border just recently and had to take the photos when we have so little day light here. I want to take new photos when the sun comes back because I think the close ups and details of the embroidery would look much better if photographed in sunshine! That said, I have added contrast and light in Photoshop so if you want to, please have a look at even more details of my embroidery below.

Dixieland Tree - embroidery detail (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Swirly branches in different soft colors.

Dixieland Tree - embroidery detail (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Clusters of flowers are strewn around in this otherwise rather bare tree.

Dixieland Tree - embroidery detail (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Sequin flowers (or is it the the bee’s friends flying in?) reflects the light surrounding every Dixieland Land and Forest.

Dixieland Tree - embroidery detail (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
The bark is made out of colored cheese cloth and tulle while the branches are carefully filled with embroidered chain stitches, row after row.

Dixieland Tree - embroidery detail (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Earth is filled with music that makes the ground vibrate – you can hear the music if you listen carefully!

Dixieland Tree - embroidery detail (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Next to the tree you will spot an almost invisible stone rich with glittery gems, hidden in the grass.

Dixieland Tree - embroidery detail (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Even below the tree trunk and the surface of the land, there are details… Roots, underground rain or something else?

My very first big freeform embroidery project (I’ve done smaller ones before) started when I got all the material in a package for a Summer Embroidery Project, and because I loved working on this tree (and couldn’t stop) it made me fall in love with embroidery as an art form and think about the flow of creating.

53 Responses

  1. This is just amazing, I checked out all the photos of this piece on flicker and can’t get over all the elements you used to create such a beautiful work of art.

  2. OM goodness! This is fabulous. It has so much texture. I loved
    reading about the story of when you were making it. I almost
    felt like I was an angel watching you stitch with your friend : )
    This cloth holds good memories…lovely.

  3. How wonderful! I am most drawn to the musical ground and colored cheese cloth, though it is all so beautifully put together! I use to embroider when I was much younger, but kind of lost touch with it. This makes me want to start back up again :)

  4. I gasped so much when I saw this, the details are amazing and I just love the colours. I wish I could do something like this :)

  5. Hanna, your detail, your imagination is incredible! I think the tulle and the cheese cloth are just perfect for the branches! I love all those shiny sequins and buttons! Oh my goodness, what a work of talent and patience this is! There are so many tiny stitches! Wonderful!!! I would love looking at this every day!

  6. What a lovely piece. I’m so glad I found your website. You’ve already inspired me to higher goals.

  7. wow that is so cool how long did it take you?
    I just completed my first art quilt to, but it is way smaller!!!!(its on my blog if you are intrested)

  8. makealife, I saw your quilt – it’s very cute! I’ve done smaller quilts before, but this took many days to make – I have no idea how many hours and I don’t want to know! ;-) It’s all hand sewn, even the edges!

  9. This makes me want to get out my embroidery thread and get busy! love all the little details. Beautiful!!!!

  10. Hi Hanna. Your quilt is just beautiful! The fact that it was made with love shines through.
    You are always so inspirational.

  11. !!! … i haven’t even finished reading the post yet, but i absolutely had to comment right this second! oh, it’s *beautiful! i can’t imagine how much work you had to put into it.. absolutely lovely!!

    also, thanks so very much for the comment on my blog ~ you inspire me so very much and it’s such a treat to hear from you! now.. back to this blog post.. hehe.
    with love,

  12. I just found a picture of your beautiful ripple afghan and could not be happier . You see I made one for my son but now seems a little too narrow I love the way yours looks so finished off with the border. could you please tell me how you did it and is it just on the sides or all around Thank you Judy

  13. Hi Hanna,
    I love the way you express your love for your creative work.
    I like your tree and I like how detailed you write about all the details.
    Reading of summer sun while here it’s so very could. Everything is frozen.
    Because it matches one topic of my blog I would like to ask you if I could post the picture of your tree and introduce you?

  14. I love your photos, I think they came out great. And it’s amazing to see how cool everything is up close. This is a beautiful tree, and you know I love TREES!

  15. I so love this, where are you going to hang it. I used to needlepoint a few years ago and found it very calming. Dont know why I quit.

  16. You did an outstanding job with this piece! I know firsthand how much love and dreaming and memory/philosophy of life goes into this level of creative embroidery. There’s nothing else that’s quite the same – pure color and soul.

  17. Oh Hanna, this is absolutely gorgeous! And so inspiring! It makes me want to play with fabric and embroidery floss and sequins… I only need more free time and more space to work with!

  18. I love your embroidered tree. It is beautiful and I especially like the little bees on it. I’ve never been much of a sewer or embroiderer myself, but I almost feel inspired to become one now, if I thought I could create something half as lovely as your tree. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Hanna, this is really stunning. I love the free work look of it. And I can totally relate to how it felt to do it – that is how I feel about applique. Beautiful work! Very inspiring too.

  20. I absolutely love your tree, it’s beautiful…. i want to make one! I was surfing around looking for inspiration this afternoon, i think i just found it- thank-you. x

  21. This is just beautiful Hanna and it’s great how your stitches have such happy memories too. Congratulations on a magnificent large-scale masterpiece!! xoxo tj in germany

  22. Trees are one of my favourites to photo and draw. You tree is wonderful and how you have made use of the stitches sequins buttons to create texture and colour and shape is magical.

  23. Fantastic!! I’ve only done one free style embroidery project and that was waaaay back in college. Yours in beautiful. Not only your needlework, but the overall design. Great job!

  24. Oh my….this is breathtaking! I have never, ever seen anything like this, not even at art shows I’ve been to. I’m so glad you’ve posted so many pictures. Even still, I wish I could see this in real life; I could look at it for hours! All the pretty fabrics and teeny little stitches. You have such patience! =cD
    This is one of your most incredible works, I must say.

  25. I love this tree! thank you for the pictures up close & personal.
    All the details are so beautiful and thoughtFULL; I especially like the groups of flowers & the bee sequins.
    Happy days,

  26. Wow! The colors and the tree and all the little details. I love this! Very beautiful and inspiring.

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