Wishing you all a Merry Christmas

Christmas tree 2007

Merry Christmas to all of you from me and Smilla.

We’ve had a great great day today and tomorrow we celebrate Christmas with my wonderful family. I’m getting the best present ever and I already know what it is and I can’t wait to open it!

I so hope you’re feeling good, doing what you want with this holiday and that you are where you want to be. Happy, content, loved. I know I am.

Please take care of your self, your friends and family and give away lots of love and hugs, okay?


18 Responses

  1. Hope you continue to have a perfect Christmas and holiday break. Enjoy unwrapping those prezzies! Cheers, lj

  2. Merry Christmas, and God Jul new friend Hannah! I too, am getting the present I most want this year- your book! And I bought one for my step mamma and another for my arty girlfriend! Thank you so much! You’re truly an inpsiration!

    And if you want to know how I found you, thank Jodi up there. :)

    xoxo Annette

  3. Just found your blog thru Suzi Blu and wanted to say I love your blog and your projects! Merry Christmas to you and your family. :)

  4. Happy Christmas Hanna and Smilla (and family!)

    Hey, not to be nosey, but what was the present that you knew you were already going to get? I hope it was something fun for you to enjoy.

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