Charlotte’s crafty suitcase

Charlotte's book binding suitcase I love Charlotte’s crafty suitcase. She brings it to every book binding session, and it is filled with book binding stuff, stuff that I have no idea how to use or what they are called.

Little bits of this and that. Stuff that you need sooner or later when making a book. Scissors, a knife, paint brushes, needles, awl…

I love the big brown pockets that are overflowing with her treasures. I love the vintage look of both the bag, the interiour and the items it contains. It’s mostly from her London days when she was learning to become a book binder.

She saves and collects everything she likes, and that is probably why her bag is such a treasure box.

Book binding stuff

I want one just like this when I grow up. ;-)

9 Responses

  1. Me too – I love (old/used)suitcases!

    By the way I?m going to have my first authorized bookbinding course ever – in ten days when the winterholidays start! Can?t wait, I?ve made “books” for more years now, without knowing how to do it actually… but I?m sure this will improve the quality!

  2. So fabulous. I just started taking a bookbinding class a couple of weeks ago and am addicted! It’s just so much fun. Have you tried the metallic embossing powder with the heat gun? So much fun.

  3. Wow, what a wonderful tool bag. I love the pockets full of tools and supplies – it looks like a real treasure.

  4. Ah, I want one too. I actually have an “old” suitcase like that, which I bought on sale at The Container Store, I think, many years ago. I keep watercolors and brushes in it. But it doesn’t handle being handled very well. So I can’t take it places with me.

  5. What a fantastic idea. One of the bookbinders in my group has a crafty (bookbinding) basket, which I love.

  6. What a great concept! Are there vintage travel stickers on the outside as well? I really love items like that. It feels authentic and has a great, unique look.

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