This is me collage

This is me

This morning I made a collage (oh, what a great feeling) while drinking my coffee. I call it This is me because I see it as a self portrait of me. I made it in my Squared Art journalRose tag detail of collage and took the photo of it as my contribution for Studio Friday today. I only wish the light had been better. It looks better on my desk right now than in this photo. Maybe a scanner could’ve made a better job, but all my collages are digitalized as photos right now.

The tag I glued to my collage today I “made” with a huge punch machine that my vendor neighbour had with her at the Christmas Fair this weekend. Have you ever seen something like this? It’s mainly for scrapbooking, but I can see lots of great paper crafting done with this. You can punch out letters, figures and tags etc. I want one!

Today I found a new to me artist called Magda Dudziak, check out her collage art gallery – so much cool stuff there! Found via In the mood for arte. Check out Studio Friday if you want to see how others have presented the themse this is me!

13 Responses

  1. From reading your blog, this really IS you – great job!

    “The huge punchmachine” sounds really good – but I can’t see your photo (it’s private) on flickr? ;-)

  2. Great collage! It looks like it was lots of fun to make too. (And your purse yesterday? I would never have guessed it was your first…very well done.)

  3. hannah, i LOVE this collage. it completely delights me. i know the feeling of your art not feeling the same in a scan as it does in person. sigh. but know that this comes across beautifully–and it made my day!

  4. Your site is truly an inspiration!
    Your stuff too for that matter, my friend’s mother is tying to make one of those little patchworkbags as the ones I bought in your shop

  5. this is AWESOME Hanna! I also saw the site you refer to at the end, and I LOVE her art collages. makes me want to try a big one.
    again, you did a magnificant job with this collage. ~Lia

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