Retro style recycled fabric bag

Orange bag

A first try at a little bag!

Ugly lining from moms stash and cool retro fabric that I bought second hand maybe two years ago. It used to be a curtain, now it is not. Now it is a retro style recycled fabric bag!

18 Responses

  1. Verkligen fint tyg! Det ?r roligt n?r tyg man k?pt f?r ett bra tag sedan kommer till anv?ndning. Jag ?r en s?n d?r som k?per tyg som kan “vara bra att ha”!

  2. Love it! The fabric reminds me of wallpaper I grew up with. I like the embroidered/machine stitched identity tags. Did you make them?

  3. It’s awesome, so retro. I like that lining! I love orange and about anything in orange. Well done. Looking good. I love to recycle old stuff myself too. ;-)

  4. This is fantastic! Especially for a first try – wow! I think the lining fabric is wonderful – it certainly goes well with the retro fabric. Good stuff!

  5. Fantastisk! Jeg har ogs? noe retrostoff liggende som jeg fant p? loppis for over et ?r siden som jeg tenkte ? lage veske av. Men n? tror jeg jammen jeg skal tr? til med en kjole i stedet. Takk for inspirasjonen!

  6. Thanks for your comment!

    Tichat, hmm… I don’t think I know where it is, probably boxed up somewhere if I have some left, but not sure I do. Sorry, can’t help you… :-/

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