Altered Photos and Asian Dogs

This is my yellow pile of Happy New year postcards for a special swap I joined:

Pile of New Years Card
I took some photos before I sent them out.

I had lots of fun making these.

How I made these cards:

    1. Cut out postcard sized card-stock
    2. Covered them with Chinese news prints
    3. Painted white gesso over the torn prints
    4. Used a yellow wrapping paper with little silvery stains as the edge on one side
    5. Painted and stained the whole surface with brownish watercolours
    6. Printed the Chinese phrase Congratulations for getting rich (which is what you answer when somebody says Happy New year to you) on see through paper; vellum, from the computer.
    7. Stamped all of the cards with my name tag
    8. Added the dog and the vellum print with a glue stick
    9. Taped the photos with small pieces of yellow tape

Close up on dog

How I altered the dog photos

The photographs are all taken by me on my trip to Asia 2003. It was a dog theme project I wanted to do at the time (all of these dogs run around with no owners, but of course some of them had owners no doubt). I made a collage with the digital photos in Photoshop when I came back home, and then had that collage developed on photo paper. I think I sent some cards to friends and family, but some were left in the drawer so for this swap I dug them out!

    1. Cut out the dogs from my collage photo
    2. Held them a couple of second under running water in the kitchen
    3. Altered them with sand paper in different grains (so fun!)
    4. Colored the photos with acrylic paint in different shades
    5. Sealed the surface with acrylic gel!

To alter photos is great fun. I want to try this in my art journal soon. I hope everyone likes the cards.


Here they are individually. Click on the ones you’d like to have a closer look at!

Asia dog card Soda dog 4 sweeties Hot dog

Beach dog Beach ball Sleepy II

Having a drink Blackie Beach ball II Red scratch Zzzz...

25 Responses

  1. They’re simply beautiful Hanna! Thanks so much for sharing about how you put them all together. I’m very intrigued by the altering process.

  2. Each one is so beautiful! Your photos of the dogs, the way you altered them and mounted them on collages. The ten people who received them are truly lucky!

    When I try to make collages like these they always curl and bubble. Do you have any tricks to help everything stay flat in the end?

  3. They are just lovely. Its great that you shared how you made them and I am totally intrigued by how you altered the photos. Can this be done with ordinary photos? I need to investigate…

  4. Whomever gets them is “one lucky dog”
    that is some old american phrase…
    thanks for sharing your process-
    they are GREAT! and I love the fact that you took the photos yourself in Asia. This was the exact project for them, eh?

  5. I think these are just beautiful, Hanna! I linked to this post in my post about the Project Spectrum Postcard Swap – I think people can be inspired by your lovely creations.

  6. Your art is always a true bliss to the eye – you are such a talented girl! These cards are yet another proof of your skills. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work. I always feel inspired and happy after a visit in here :o)

  7. These are so beautiful! I love the colour and the texture and that the dogs come from your travels. I love how they are each unique but still look like an overall set. Absolutely wonderful!

  8. hi there! i am from the philippines. can you send me the postcard pls. i am very curious. i will also give you postcards from my place in exchange. hope we can swap.


    here’s my add to reply.

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