Flower Border Doodle Sometimes the pages intended for writing are filled with flowers, and my diary becomes a notebook of flower doodles… I try… Categories Draw & doodle/Journaling & Notebooks
iHanna’s orange owl – inspired by Craft-a-Doodle The stars began to burn through the sheets of clouds, and there was a new voice which you slowly recognized as… Categories Draw & doodle
Everyone can Draw a Little Owl Even if you don’t have kids, you should make stuff with kids at every opportunity. Kim Werker Time to Craft an… Categories Draw & doodle
Craft-a-Doodle | Big Hearts & Letters Back to the book Craft-a-Doodle again, it’s such a fun book. In it you’ll find a fun exercise where you loosely… Categories Draw & doodle
Craft-a-Doodle Book Review A few months back I got an advance copy of Jenny Doh’s new book Craft-a-Doodle, because I am one of the… Categories Draw & doodle/Read a book
Craft-a-Doodle | I’m in another American Craft Book Yes, I’m published in a book! You will find my name, photos of my notebook and my doodles in the new… Categories Creative People/Draw & doodle