Giveaway | Planning to learn in Online Workshop

Giving away a copy of the workshop at iHanna's creative blog - right now!

I am one of the art journaling teachers at the 21 Secrets Workshop Fall 2015 as you all know, and I’ve been given two workshops to give away. You can enter the giveaway below and you get points for helping me spread the word. The second pass I’m giving away to one of my dear newsletter subscribers, so if you hurry to join it you’ll get a second chance there next week.

I am excited to be teaching again. The workshop is actually more of an e-book this year, a 150+ page downloadable e-book filled with 25+ hours of videos, full colored photos, templates, and clear instruction for doing all kinds of fun experimenting in your own art journal. The start date is nearing. In just one week from today (28th of September) the virtual doors to 21 Secrets Workshop will open.

Art Journal Collage Workshop images 1-2-3 by iHanna

Planning for an online workshop

In the workshop description you can read: 21 SECRETS is designed to fit into your busy life and schedule without having to rush through and worry about meeting another deadline. You will receive all the content at once, and its yours to keep for ever which is sweet. But having all the time in the world for something is usually not that great for me. I tend not to do things that I can do “when ever” in the future… How about you? That’s why I am going to plan to do one of these workshops every week or every second week for the next 20 weeks (not planning to take my own workshop, though I hope you will! it’s about art journal collage).

I am going to make a list of all the teachers and classes in my planner, and try to keep to my own schedule just to be sure to do them. I’ve been trying to plan out what I am doing through the weeks, and even though I am not a very good planner girl (yet) I think I have made some progress. I think it is important to plan both for the things that has to get done and for the things you want to keep doing, like art journaling. If you guys are interested, I’ll share my 21 secrets progress here on the blog? Let me know.

This years teachers:

21 Secrets Fall 2015

I was a teacher of 21 Secrets once before (in 2010), when it was hosted on a .ning site. Then my part of the workshop was on a few fun ways that you can use tissue paper. I also shared how my pages turned out when doing others art journal exercises, like Fearless Painting with Connie and using the prompt I am magic with Andrea. Fun times then, fun times ahead.

Wanna have the chance to win a free pass to this year’s workshop, then enter below.

Join the giveaway here

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for visiting my blog and joining the giveaway for the workshop. If you don’t win, you can buy the workshop for 98 usd through my affiliate link, which I appreciate because then I make money from it, link in sidebar of my blog and here: buy the class right now! If you win you can give the extra class away to a friend. Thank you in advance,


I wish you an awesome and creative week!

11 Responses

  1. Just catching up on a bunch of my favorite blogs that I’ve fallen behind on over the summer, and what a fun surprise to find your giveaway! Congratulations on your class, Hanna! So excited for you!

  2. I love classes that are tailored to my schedule-I can never seem to fit in to anyone else’s!

  3. What a great idea would love to win and thanks you for the chance to enter.

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