Stalogy B6 set up for journaling & planning I documented the entire process of my very first Stalogy B6 set up! In the video I share the pages in… Categories Journaling & Notebooks
Coming out as a (not very good) Planner Girl | One Book July I absolutely love all things notebooks and paper, as regular readers of this blog already knows. And that love also includes… Categories Journaling & Notebooks
Setting Goals | December Inspiration en masse And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been. Rilke Hey, how was the weekend? Good… Categories Inspiration
Giveaway | Planning to learn in Online Workshop I am one of the art journaling teachers at the 21 Secrets Workshop Fall 2015 as you all know, and I’ve… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
Do Great Work Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is… Categories Inspiration
Welcome 2014 | Time for Creativity You do not know what will come out on the page, until you sit down and put your tools to work…… Categories Creativity & Life/iHanna philosophy
How to Plan for a 365 Project of your own Having a year-long project is one of the best ways to create a creative practice! If you feel like you want… Categories iHanna philosophy
Set a Quantitative Goal Set smart goals I learned from Lisa Sonora Beam’s great book The Creative Entrepreneur that all goals should be SMART. Smart… Categories iHanna philosophy
How to make your own Planner After the introduction to the why of my DIY planner I thought I’d continue today with the how to, a tutorial… Categories Paper Crafting/Tutorials
A Personalized DIY Planner Can you believe I did not have a planner during last year – at all? Crazy I know! I did draw… Categories Paper Crafting/Thrift & Recycle
A few Creative Ideas I’ve outlined a few ideas for creative actions in 2011. I think they are more wishes than goals this year. My… Categories Creativity & Life/in list form/Inspiration
Celebrating 2010 | My Creative Achievements List Click play to see my Everyday magic photos above. According to Gretchen Rubin, Lytton Strachey observed, “Perhaps the best test of… Categories Creativity & Life/in list form