Art Journal Peek: Daisy Yellow & Pink

Art Journal Spread Before the Daisies

Here’s a Before Page in my Kawaii Art Journal. This is what it looked like when I bound the book together. One painted page and one gray wall paper page to the right, decorated with some polka dot washi tape.

Daisy Yellow Inspiration on the iPhone

Then I start saw this video by Tammy where she demonstrates a fun flower painting technique.

So, even though there are a gazillion art exercises in books and on blogs, not many of those speak to me. But this one totally did!

Pink DaisyYellow flowers

So that’s why I wanted to share my before-and-after journal spread with you. Here’s my page, with pink and yellow Daisy flowers:

PinkDaisy & YellowDaisy flowers

It turned out very pretty, don’t you think? And then some collage bits on the left side of the spread, to finish it of.

Art Journal Detail: Creativity is soothing for the soul
Creativity is soothing for the soul, don’t you agree?

Here’s DaisyYellow’s tutorial video too [no longer online].

The video Flower & Fade from Tammy is rather inspiring and fun, isn’t it?

Art Journal: Soothing + Daisy Yellows

I’m really happy with this spread. Simple, but happy.

9 Responses

  1. Hanna, your flowers turned out wonderful and so did your pages … love ’em all!

    You’ve inspired me enough to actually buy a real art journal [the only thing I’ve ever used is the composition notebooks. lol] I’m not so artistic and mostly like to do glue art [though I am starting to doodle a bit!]

    Plan on ordering the art journal tonight or tomorrow [it’s in my shopping cart at Amazon as I write this.] Wanna make sure I don’t think of anything else I want or need before I actually order it. lol

    Have a nice day!


    • Oh, how wonderful! I hope you’ll enjoy working in your new art journal (what brand did you pick?) and let me know how it feels working on some nice papers! I love aquarelle paper in mine, but also enjoy thin envelope papers that I also include in the ones I make! :-)

    • Thanks Robyn, it was a lot of fun. Next time I’m going to try painting this kind of flowers on a more colorful background, but here I thought they did just fine on the gray wallpaper.

  2. Hanna, How delicious! I’m so happy you played with the flowers technique in your journal. Love from Texas!

    • Thanks for visiting Tammy and taking a peek around here too!
      I adore your videos and the music makes me even happier if possible. You rock!

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