Doodles with a black pen

Inside my diary
A whole page filled with fun doodles, in my Moleskine diary. This is what happens when I arm myself with just a black drawing pen (0.5 from Kuretake) and a blank page. Just start in the middle and doodle on. It’s been my favorite thing this entire summer.

Lots of doodles

Drops of doodle

Doodle flower

iHanna with a black drawing pen

Now you know what I do. What do you do when you have an evening all to yourself?

19 Responses

  1. Cool doodles! I usually do backgrounds in my journal or go through magazines and catalgues and cut out images

  2. This evening I’m doodling too. I’m alone most of the days and usually I do something crafty, exept houskeeping. Lately I have been making paperbeads and now I’m onto something nice using them. I like your free doodlings and it seems you were relaxing doing them. I hope you enjoy your new home.

  3. You’ve got a fun case of the Doodles! Love this! Sadly, it appears that when I have a quiet evening at home I blog hop instead of getting into my art space. But that’s about to change right now….

  4. I love this! Lately I have been doodling on little cards that I might use as postcards. Now I might try this in my journal. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. So fun! I haven’t doodled on a whole page in a long time!
    So many changes in my life right now, I need to rethink how I spend my free time…

  6. Im impressed. I get stuck when I doodle. They become more and more complex and then I’ll start drawing something rather then doodling. Or I just draw the same thing over and over. Very boring. Yours are inspiring.

  7. Evening is over. What did I do? :-) Free motion stipling (stitching) äh, drawing, or, let’s say: doodling with my beloved Artist Pitt Pens. And I had got out my water colors for the first time since long.
    It feels so unbelievable good to return to my pens and colors. I don’t know how long it will last, it depends on how hard my rope is calling, but for now it is so much fun – and so very satisfying.
    Hello to you in Sweden

  8. Usually, when i have an evening all to myself, i pick up my needles and knit! But I am now so crazy about your doodle diary pages that I am going to incorporate black pen doodling into my journals. A very good thing for those little private times.

    I just love your pages, Hanna. thank you for the inspiration.

  9. some of my best dodles come when I talk on the phone. I talk on the phone for long periods of time a few times a week to my Mom and my sisters back home in Canada. I always have a pen and paper there beside me.
    Have to say though that if I have an evening free to do some arty play, I like to swirl the paint around – twinkle h2os or regular craft paint. It is all good to me !
    Love your doodle page, Hanna ! Doodle ON!

  10. Great doodles, those most have taken you quite a while to finish. I love a good pen, too (my favorite is Pilot Precise V5). And when I am alone for the evening I will usually bake something (like cupcakes (-:) Once again I love your doodles!

  11. This is so yummy. I want to do this! When I have an evening to myself, I’m afraid I watchTV! Because I have to share the TV and I watch things only I like. But when I’m not on my own, I do my doodling, penwork, painting, and tearing tissue paper. It’s really relaxing and bonding to do this while being able to talk and interact with the family.

  12. Great doodle pages. I usually doodle on scraps of paper and they get lost. Having them in a book is a great idea.

    I’ve been looking back through your archives. I particularly like the 3×5 card idea.


  13. Love these doodles. I also started a little blank book, but tried to restrict myself to the zentangles. Silly, cause you should not restrict yourself when drawing – or doodling.
    I like the way the doodling can be as personal as one’s handwriting. And you’ve gotta love that black against the white paper!

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