C’est moi Lisbeth – collage exhibition inspiration

More mixed media art inspiration today as I just have to post about this lovely exhibition I’ve been to! It is called C’est moi – impressions from Bonnieux and it includes sculptures, goauche paintings and collages by one of my favorite artists, Lisbeth Lindqvist Forsberg!

C'est moi Lisbeth exhibition

Lisbeth Lindqvist Forsbergs collage art I’m not spoiled with real life art inspiration that speaks as deep to me as her Lisbeth’s art does. This is mixed media fun to me. I especially swoon over her non-figurative collages built up in different levels of painted paper. I tried to snap a few photos at the exhibition to show you her style if you are curious of this Swedish artist. Her art style is very different from Traci Bautista’s (that I posted about yesterday), but actually she uses her own painted papers and mark making just as Traci (and I) do!

Lisbeth makes her collages out of painted and discarded art that she has piles of in her studio in V?nn?s, Sweden. She gets her inspiration in Provence, France though, where she has been visiting for over ten years now.

My photos here does not make Lisbeth’s collages justice at all, this is the kind of art you need to experience live as I did. You need to walk in close to the framed art pieces to see the depth and texture that fascinates me so.

My photo of the artist is one I took two years ago when i meet Lisbeth at another exhibition of hers. Isn’t she the cutest lady ever?

Lisbeth Lingqvist Forsberg exhibition

Collage art

Lisbeth Lingqvist Forsberg exhibition

Collage by Lisbeth Lingqvist Forsberg

Which collage and mixed media artists do you enjoy the works off?

6 Responses

  1. What a wonderful woman and her artwork is awesome! I love the texture of her pieces and think it is cool that she makes most of her pieces and collages them together. :D

  2. I love her work and wish I could go to the gallery! Thanks for posting the photos on flickr! Your art cards are so cool and I am happy that you have taken collage forward for us few artists here in Sweden! Now, to order a book! :)

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