Art Journal Prompt: Fill it with your heart!

I don’t think my Heart Period will be over even after this day… It shouldn’t have to be over just because Valentine came and went? Anyway, here are some love for you today! XXXO

A little gift for my friend C, wrapped in my favorite hologram pink paper;

Gift for C

Inside there was this purple heart that I made for her;

Gift for C

Her favorite color is purple – and her wedding day is today – 14th of February!

And, following my own prompt, I made one spread covered with hearts, in my art journaL! This is after I glued all my papers down;

Valentine's Day - in progress

And the finished spread, now with text;
Valentine's Day page
♥ The big heart to the right is actually a heart shaped bug – I cut the head off! Isn’t it cool? There is also a diamond heart from a magazine, a heart cut from my own marbled paper, a big painted heart on the right and a checked heart that I cut from a vintage cupboard paper!

Have you made a heartfelt page in your Art Journal yet?
Let me know; I want to see!

Happy ValeNtine’s Day!!!

♥ Extra link love: links to valentine craft – more fun for Spring crafting! Don’t you think my post could fit into the Blog carnival Show of Hearts!? I do. I will journal lovers definitions tonight and maybe try to write about relations for the Spread the love Contest even though I don’t want any of the prices, because as innowen said love and writing go hand in hand… And one could always celebrate Single’s Awareness Day though that sounds like a shitty idea to me! ;-)

15 Responses

  1. Hi H – Happy Valentines day! Four years of marriage feels good (most of the time!!!). We’re ofcourse hoping to double that! Thanks for fixing us up! Love C

  2. LOVE the valentine art journal spread– gives me a happy feeling :) Have a great V-day!

  3. Happy Valentine’s Day! I started working on a journal page for this occasion but it’s far from being finished. I’ll post it when it’s done and will let you know.


  4. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Thank you so much for visiting, leaving comments and joining the carnival! I’ll be posting your picture as part of a mosaic I plan to make. Credit will be given to you and you’ll get a link back to this sweet blog of yours! :)

  5. oh Hanna. Please tell me.. how do you have time to do all of these awesome projects?! You have inspired me to make an “art journal.” I have so many magazines just sitting around…. I just need to get something to organize my craft supplies first.

    Let me ask, though. I understand an art journal must get pretty huge as the pages get filled.. Is there a specific kind of book that you’ve found is best to use?

    Thanks =]

  6. Hi Hanna,
    I really love your blog, so had to make the heart’s chase at home as well as heart journaling. It’s all on my blog.
    Thanks for inspiration and fun !

    Cecile, in France

  7. Var har du f?tt tag i det rosa hologrampappret? Det ?r j?ttekoolt ju! Skulle vara perfekt till min systers f?delsedagspresenter.

    ?lskar dina f?rgglada hj?rtan med, de lyser upp i det vintergr

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