Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
Leo Buscaglia

DIY Postcard: Smile by iHanna

Every bit of paper on these collage postcards makes me happy. There are patterns, imagery, tape, stickers and words mixed together into the best kind of DIY Postcards (if you ask me).

DIY Postcard: Mushrooms by iHanna

The way I made these postcards is similar to how I do many of my art journal cut and paste pages, as show in my part of 21 secrets this fall. In that class I demonstrate what kind of papers I collect, how I plan the collage and how I finish it. But back to postcards.

Gift wrap, postal stamps, and paper lace:

Collage Postcards by iHanna by iHanna

Sorry if you have already seen some of my colorful collage postcards in my previous posts (Creating a Series of Postcards and How to Finish a Postcard), but in this post I’m showing most of them individually – mostly because I myself enjoy looking at them over and over again.

DIY Postcard: A frog in your throat by iHanna

DIY Postcard: Hello Baby by iHanna

DIY Postcard: Spring Swap by iHanna

A DIY Postcard in the mail is like getting a smile from a stranger…

If you feel like swapping postcards with me and my peeps there is still time to sign up for my DIY Postcard Swap fall 2015 – you have until the weekend to do so.

Wishing you lots of happy mail!