Tin Can Assemblage In the Coursera class that I took this summer (Introduction to Art: Concepts & Techniques with teacher Anna Divinsky) I made… Categories Mixed Media Experiments
365 Collages | Week 40 | The White Edition Collage: In vain This week of collages turned out all white. It just happened like that. I made one collage and… Categories Collage
DIY Doily Easter Egg There are a gazillion fun ways to recycle and find new ways to use those old crocheted doilies, but this has… Categories Crafts/Creative People/Inspiration
Vintage needle holder gets new life This is my needle holder, part of the makeover series before and after. I found a vintage needle holder with slots… Categories Crafts/Home Comforts
Tiny Chest of Drawers Art is magic… But how is it magic? In its metaphysical development? Or does some final transformation culminate in a magic… Categories Creativity & Life/Home Comforts/Thrift & Recycle
Fabric Notebook Cover – with lace & love There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents,the creativity you bring to your life and the lives… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Journaling & Notebooks
Decoupage and Coffee on my morning tray Creating is about transformation. Take one or a few objects and put them together in different ways – and voila! You… Categories Crafts/Creativity & Life/Home Comforts
My own IKEA hacked mirror Planning a shabby chic project on my desk. I painted a mirror frame white. It is a big wood frame with… Categories Crafts/Home Comforts/Mixed Media Experiments
What is on TV tonight What is on your TV tonight? This is what is on mine: My beautiful white H that was specially made for… Categories Home Comforts
The magic of white paint Before – and after! I thrifted this herb shelf in a flea market for 5 SEK, then repainted it white. What… Categories Home Comforts
Painting it white I am looking forward to fixing the vintage trays I bought. Today I started to prime a lot of my thrifted… Categories Creativity & Life