Week in the Life | Saturday Thrifting After the Crayfish Party Friday I slept over at my parents, and woke up to a real Saturday breakfast on the veranda. My cat Smilla lives with my parents, in… Categories Photography
Summer time crafting One of my favorite creative habits in summer is mom and me craft-time. Well, it’s a favorite any time of the year but in summer we often set up camp… Categories Creative habits
View through a dirty window Summer in full bloom, everywhere. There is abundance and I try to notice it and embrace it. I take more photos in the summer. There are more looking closely at… Categories Photography
The veranda is the place to be When I sit down by the computer to write I think about craft and art. I think about sewing, embroidery, how to make little polymer clay flowers that I’ve sketched,… Categories Creativity & Life
Cutting out a stencil for the first time This weekend I’m back “outside” after winter, doing art in my parents covered terrace. Hurray for spring, approaching slowly but surely, how I adore thee! Finally some good light for… Categories Art journaling
Washes of colour After reading the zine Play I’ve been having an itch to create on paper again. I didn’t bring my altered book because it is heavy, but before I went to… Categories Art journaling/Creative habits
Apple Tree Applique Bag Moms summer bag is blue, mine is yellow and pink – but we both made a appliqu? house and apple tree on it! Categories Fabric & Sewing
Easter Bunny #1 | Meet Tsatsiki Our fluffy little bunny could easily be a photomodel for a Easter Card, right? But then again, he always jumps away… My brother (soon a teenager therefore also called Monster… Categories Photography