Gingerbread socks Phew!My first knitted socks ever are finished! I’m proud and happy. They are knitted in very thin Opal yarn, and fits… Categories Crafts
A Gentleman’s Grey Scarf Are we getting wiser, or just older? Carrie A solid grey scarf is a fashionably classic accessory, I hear, and it… Categories Crafts
A knitting magazine | Knit.1 mag Today I bought a new magazine called Knit.1 from Vogue Knitting. Yes, there’s a new mag in town, and it’s about… Categories Inspiration
Ice skating on the lake Bought a whole bag full of yarn on sale (100 SEK) last week, and have already finished something secret that will… Categories Crafts
Princess Mononoki & the cat coach About anime movies, knitting, books, Burning Man and Pippi Longstockings socks today. Today I though I finish my wintergreen sweater, but… Categories Inspiration/Read a book
A little behind There is no knitting class tonight, last time was last Wednesday! I think it’s a little sad that I won’t have… Categories Crafts
Darn Knitting And I mean darn as in förbaskat! All my WIP knitting projects are making me sad/mad when I think about them…. Categories Crafts
Ribbon & lace in a row Update on the knitting project: The two-end knitted mitten now has a hole for the thumbs and the pattern on the… Categories Crafts/Thrift & Recycle
Dear Photo Diary I havne’t been at home at all this weekend, since I take the class Skapande svenska (creative writing) at the university…. Categories Crafts/Fabric & Sewing
Green Foliage and other finished projects The weekend was great! I finished up a lot of projects that I have started but not taken to the end…. Categories Crafts/Fabric & Sewing/Thrift & Recycle
Wintergreen This yarn is 100 % machine washable soft acrylic, wonderful soft with a two tone effect wintergreen, 50 gram á 19… Categories Crafts
Knitting lesson, a lesson of Love Surfing around I found this great painting by Jean-Francois Millet (1814-1875), called Knitting lesson. It illustrates quite well how I felt… Categories Crafts