Sun Printing Fabric One of my biggest Summer Crushes has always been Coloring Fabric Outside! Using paint and dye in the grass makes cleaning… Categories Crafts
Kawaii Art Journal I think a pretty journal or notebook cover is important, because it makes you use the book even more. When you… Categories Art journaling/Paper Crafting
The Jardin Lime Art Journal Time to dive back into the pile of fabric that was the foundation for the Campervan bowling bag and the Owl… Categories Crafts/Fabric & Sewing/Paper Crafting
Handmade Campervan Bowling Bags Even better than collecting fabric in transparent boxes is using that fabric to create everyday objects. In that way you get… Categories Fabric & Sewing
Staying Honest as a Blogger when Sponsored with Free Stuff Never thought I’d be a Sponsored blogger, but here I am… I while back I, as the owner of this blog,… Categories Fabric & Sewing/iHanna philosophy
I love Vintage Bed Linen Fabric I can have such huge sewing cravings, where I long to handle and patch together fabric. But because I do so… Categories Fabric & Sewing
Before & after: Meditation Cushions Upholstered The meditation cushions (I have two) has been on my floor for years. Obviously not my colour scheme but kind of… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Home Comforts
Loving the pistil stitch We’re on week 37 and this week I’ve made the 34th stitch of the year! Wow, right? The sampler is growing,… Categories Crafts
Week in the Life: Fabric store browsing Fabric store browsing – with camera in hand for the photo documentation project Week in the Life. Thin airy cotton fabric…. Categories Photography
Fabric Covered Ring Binders My ring binders after a bit of transformation with pretty fabric and some glue… They turned out really darn pretty, don’t… Categories Thrift & Recycle
Time to use these Cute Fabrics It’s easy to hold our great ideas hostage, or to talk them away into things we’ll do someday, or wanted to… Categories Fabric & Sewing
My lovely hand dyed fabric pile My lovely pile of hand dyed fabrics! This year I’ve experimented with the idea of “making the material my own” more… Categories Crafts/Textile Art