I got myself a Stalogy notebook I got myself a new to me notebook, called Stalogy! Sometimes you just have to own a specific notebook that you’ve… Categories Journaling & Notebooks
How to start a Fauxbonichi Journal I first heard of this type of journaling a few years ago and was intrigued, but not at all tempted to… Categories Creativity & Life/Journaling & Notebooks/Tutorials
An ode to the Journals of my life Would you say you have a relationship with your journal(s)? If you do, you know what I mean when I tell… Categories Journaling & Notebooks
New Year, New Diary It’s a new year, actually a whole new decade! I have high hopes that this year and the coming decade will… Categories iHanna philosophy/Inspiration/Journaling & Notebooks
Keeping a Diary | Should you Keep it Private or Share it Long before I started to blog I wrote weekly and sometimes daily, in a regular hard bound notebook and called it… Categories Journaling & Notebooks
Journaling practice: Ask Questions Asking questions is a good place to start any relationship. But how often do you stop to ask some really important… Categories Creativity & Life/iHanna philosophy/Journaling & Notebooks
List Writing Prompt: I Heart (♥) This I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I… Categories in list form/Journaling & Notebooks
Adding Lists and Quotes to my Diary I love taking a break with a cup of coffee and my diary. I love black ink and list writing. That’s… Categories in list form/Journaling & Notebooks
On Deep Writing This week I am finding my way back to writing by hand. At night I’ve been opening my diary and writing… Categories iHanna philosophy/Journaling & Notebooks
Journaling Saves During the past months Kristin’s blog about journaling has become one of my absolute favorites, and I read every post she… Categories Inspiration
Good writing pens are hard to find Poetry is the journal of the sea animal living on land, wanting to fly in the air. Poetry is a search… Categories Draw & doodle
Inspiration for writing Poetry in your Diary I’ve read Diana M. Raab’s soft cover poetry book a few evenings now. I think it’s hard to say anything about… Categories Journaling & Notebooks/Read a book