Nalle-Bob has left the building The story of Nalle-Bob started when Robin was born. When Felix parents saw Robin they put a home- crocheted bear on… Categories Crafts
Little flower bear I’ve crocheted quit a lot this summer, traveling around. I crocheted some softies, but non of the small creatures have a… Categories Crafts
Mohair Dream in mauve I’ve crocheted a shawl in Dream Mohair yarn, two different mauve colors (not at all my favorite color): Very fussy yarn,… Categories Crafts
Wee sweetie I’ve crocheted this little sweetie! I think it’s a cat, mom says it’s a bear and my brother don’t know. What… Categories Crafts
In Dandelion World Follow me and see Robin the free-hand crocheted teddy bear by iHanna! Tell me his cute!? Categories Crafts/Photography
All about Amigurumi Some are crocheting cute little animals like they were born for the soul purpose – here are some great links to cutest softies on the Internet! Yahiii, click away and have fun! Categories Crafts
Pink Crocheted Shawl II I’ve crocheted a little pink shawl with a free pattern and a second hand yarn. Yay – true joy! Here is… Categories Crafts
Crocheting my Very First Shawl I biked to town to buy yarn. I have decided I do not want to be a craft collector, but a… Categories Crafts