Creativity Habit | Let’s do 365 somethings in 2022 I have decided to do another 365 collages in 2022. This will be my fourth year of doing a 365 somethings… Categories Collage
How to be an Artist To feel like an artist, you need to make art. Often and a lot. That is how you become an artist…. Categories iHanna philosophy/Mixed Media Experiments/Tutorials
Becoming a Barbie Doll Collector This is the story of how I became a barbie doll collector (and a collector of all things childhood and toys)…… Categories Home Comforts
Writing a letter I got stacks of letters that I got when I was younger, maybe from my teens until I was 20 or… Categories Draw & doodle
Hahnemühle Watercolor Sketchbook + process video For Christmas I got a fancy new sketchbook filled with watercolor paper. It is very much the kind of sketchbook /… Categories Art journaling/Journaling & Notebooks
Planning a Creative Year If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you might already know how much I like the time between November… Categories Creativity & Life/Inspiration
Coloring Books for Grown Ups – do we really need them? Why would you buy a Coloring book for Grown Ups? Do grown ups really need silly activity books, don’t we have… Categories iHanna philosophy
Can new washi tape make you Happy? True confession time: I balance between knowing that you can’t buy happiness, and then doing it anyway at times. Yes, spending… Categories Inspiration/Journaling & Notebooks/Paper Crafting
Live a Creative Life: 40 Lessons on How to Embrace Creativity in Your Life There is no right or wrong way to live a Creative Life, but there are many lessons to learn on the… Categories iHanna philosophy
Painted wooden box Misty Mawn style I bought a very ugly homemade wooden box at a thrift store in the beginning of March. When I got the… Categories Mixed Media Experiments
Vintage red suitcase Found a vintage red suitcase while thrifting. It was really dirty and I want to change the fabric lining, but didn’t… Categories Inspiration/Thrift & Recycle