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20 years of blogging

20 years of blogging

The 24th of April 2004 I wrote my very first blog post on this here blog. That is 19 years ago today. Isn’t that a long time to be doing something like this you ask? I think so too, yeah. Tomorrow we start our 20th year of writing blog posts, hence the title of this […]

What to Focus on this Spring

What to Focus on this Spring

I have been thinking about writing a blog post for quite a while, but could not find inspiration within me. Then last night, I discovered I have been looking at it all wrong. Just “sitting” with the thought of blogging/writing something new for the blog has left me feeling empty like a leftover shell, like […]

New WordPress Theme | Time to Evolve

New WordPress Theme | Time to Evolve

I still write for an audience of one. I read things that stimulate me and inspire me and help me figure out how to live and then I write about them. The fact that there are other people who enjoy it is nice, but it’s just a byproduct. Maria Popova When you travel you get […]

A Blog Checklist: 18 before 2018

A Blog Checklist: 18 before 2018

Today I’m sharing a blog checklist with 18 things I want to get done before 2018. I’m writing a list of things I’ve wanted to get done and fix on the blog for a very, very long time. I could probably make it a one hundred list, but 18 things seams more doable, don’t you […]

To Move Forward Creatively Change the Blade

To Move Forward Creatively Change the Blade

How to do you move forward after a long summer break of silence? That’s what I’m asking myself today. Sometimes when you’re cutting a lot of paper you just want to get through the pile and finish. You try to hurry up and push harder, but that just derails you. Your fingers cramp up and […]

Shabby Chic Collage

Shabby Chic Collage

Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are. Marianne Williamson Writing three posts each week is not as easy as I thought it would be. Right now it’s because I have loads of other things to do, like write articles for work, and I really need […]