
No Responses

  1. Testar lite, Mikael sa att det ev. var något fel när man skrev in här? Hmm… Verkar fungera nu.

  2. Ja du lilla gumman, det trodde jag inte för 10 år sen att du skulle sticka virka och sy, du är jätteduktig. Skam den som ger sig, jag tror att tröjan kommer att bli jättefin på dig.
    Kram från mamma

  3. hej min lilla storasyster!
    tack för din text

  4. Gud vilket underbart vackert tyg, till ett underbart bra pris. Jag skulle föreslå några stora fina mjuka kuddar att ha i den gråa soffan, som du gärna kryper upp i, eller varför inte ett mystäcke med ett annat tyg på baksidan. Bra fyndat Hanna, jag tror du går i mammas fotspår i alla fall.

  5. Jag hade ingen aning att det verkligen var så, så stolt över det lilla ynkliga knytet, som är din lillebror. Han är fortfarande lika söt, numera nyser han inte så mycket, men han har en massa andra ljud för sig, en del trevliga och andra mindre trevliga.
    Jag kan i alla fall tillägga att jag har världens underbaraste barn, båda två, så det så. Jag älskar er väldigt mycket.
    kram från mamma

  6. Hoppas det blir ett 1:a handskontrakt snart, det skulle innebära ett mindre problem för er. Klart att du har körkort snart, ett annat problem är då ur världen.
    Alla blir inte små grå gnälliga tanter en del blir stora gnälliga tanter?
    Kram ej ännu tant, men ack så gnällig ibland.

  7. Jag håller på Totoro, jag har fyllt tre år för länge sen, men har inte fått se filmen än. Påminn mig nästa gång jag kommer upp, att vi ska se den tillsammans.

  8. Bummel, rosa rockar! Och, lite grodor och Hello Kitty på kudden gör varje pojkvän glad!

  9. Oj vad mysigt, jag vill också läsa barnlitteraturkurs igen! Ska förvisso få läsa bilderboksanalys i höst, det ser jag fram emot. och i väntan på den kursen botaniserar jag bland alla underbara bilderböcker, barnböcker och ungdomsböcker på bibban.

    Får man läsa Det var en gång – och en gång till? Jag är nyfiken!

    Skön semester!

  10. Ooooh, det blev snyggt! Önskar jag vågade “blomma ut” sådär! Och tröjan är ju supersnygg! :)

  11. En sån sänggavel har jag funderat på i flera år nu, fast jag hade tänkt lä’gga ett lager vadd mellan skivan och tyget. Tänk om jag skulle se till att komma till skott någon gång!

    Välkommen till de nordiska stickbloggarna, det är kul att vi börjar bli fler svenskar där!

    Jorun i Luxemburg

  12. Hej, Hanna!

    Found my way over here through the Nordic Knit Blogs webring! Welcome to the ring! Your projects look great – can’t wait to see more of them in the future!

  13. Jag tycker bättre om den övre. Dels är den snyggare (ännu bättre utan igelkott, tycker jag personligen), dels kan du ha den på sånt du syr, virkar, broderar, knypplar i stället för enbart på handstickade saker. Svart är alltid snyggt.

  14. Grymt snygg pysselväska! Wow! Nu vill jag också ha en pysselväska. Har en tygkasse som jag brukar samla ihop stickprojektet i, men den är för tunn – stickorna letar sig ut! Måste sy en betydligt stadigare. Fast först ska jag sy en rosa tygkasse (som senare ska få nåt snyggt, ännu inte valt, tryck i vitt) åt en kompis som har födelsedag om två veckor. Mera pyssel åt folket! (eller åt Folke, som min pysslande kompis brukar säga)

  15. Välkomen till Nordic Knitblog :-)
    Visst är det härligt med stickning, man kan alltid ha en liten stickning med sig och ta fram.
    Här fanns det mycket fint att titta på.Gillar den gröna halsduken särskilt och den fina koftan.

  16. hei! fin blog! fant den gjennom nordic knitblogs, som jeg også nettopp har blitt med i. den røde duken er jättekul, og garnet er nydelig! jeg har forresten kjøpt helt ok saks på ikea til 49,- (sikkert ennå billigere i sverige …)

  17. hej hanna!

    fick adressen till din blog av par. fint o rosa!
    ah jag blir sa inspirerad av alla projekt du har pa gang.. kanske far jag ta pa mig pysselhandskarna till helgen!!

    ha det fint, kram

  18. Men göta petter så mycket roligt du har på gång, jag blir så avundsjuk,jättefina garner och grejor, det ser snart ut som hemma hos mamma. Fullt med bra ha grejor, bra Hanna, du går i mammas fotspår.
    Kram morsan

  19. Jag gillar den svarta bäst. Syns bra och passar som sagt på alla arbeten du gör. Kan man inte ha valfri bild, något som passar ihop med dig, ditt namn, födelsedag, födelseår, stjärntecken eller något annat, det vore väl kul. Finns det ingen groda, du har ju gillat grodor sen du var liten (Prinsessan, grodan och bollen) eller den gröna grodan med fläckar på. Nja du kan ju tänka på det.
    Nu vill jag snart se väskan.
    kram mamma

  20. Den svarta! Den svarta!
    Strunta i igelkotten!
    Du får behålla lapparna i 20 år, om du inte är extremt produktiv, så satsa på något “sobert och tidlöst”.

  21. Det verkar ju ändå som om du använder grejorna du köper! Själv tycker jag det är roligt att köpa, men jag hinner aldrig använda i samma takt som nyheterna strömmar in. Jag gjorde just ett garnfynd på eBay (lite mindre fyndigt när jag insåg hur avgrundsdyr frakten från USA blir, men ändå ett superfint garn till bra pris)
    Jag får smuggla in det någon kväll när familjen sysslar med annat…

  22. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens;
    Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens;
    Brown paper packages tied up with strings;
    These are a few of my favorite things.

    Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels;
    Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles;
    Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings;
    These are a few of my favorite things.

    Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes;
    Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes;
    Silver-white winters that melt into springs;
    These are a few of my favorite things.

    When the dog bites,
    When the bee stings,
    When I’m feeling sad,
    I simply remember my favorite things,
    And then I don’t feel so bad.


  23. herlig garn! blir nok bra vanter til slutt. tvåändsstrikk høres spennende ut, det må jeg sjekke! (må bare finne ut hva det heter på norsk …)

  24. mmm, den genseren blir superkomfy! sokk og vott ser bra ut – har forresten funnet ut at det heter tvebandsstrikking på norsk.

  25. Du är verkligen flitig Hanna!
    Tack för fina ord; ja, jag har sett Jennifer Murphy’s nallar, de är också rara.

  26. hi!
    tried to respond to your comment on my blog by return mail but it kept getting bounced back, for some reason.
    love the blog – seems we have alot of common interests (flea markets, old textiles, bits and bobs of ribbon, quilting….)
    keep it up!

  27. A wonderful needlebook.Looking forward more of Crazy and silk ribbon embroidery.I’m also very fond of it and we had on QS a RoundRobin -RR.

    I wish you good luck
    Ulla in the north of Sweden

  28. the needlebook looks amazing! but does it open from the top or the sides? i cant quite make out how it works. but beautiful embroidery – ribbon work is a challenge, isnt it?
    i made needle books for my sisters last year for their birthdays and they really appreciated them. but mine pale in comparasion to yours – i made mine simply out of felt and with a bright button closure.
    excellent needle book link also!

  29. what a super cool needle book! i did a pillow in the same technique for my mother once. it’s such a fun way of using up old bits and pieces of fabric and trying to fin clever ways to embroider everything together. :-)

  30. Stora och många grattiskramar från familjen Selberg i Södertälje!

    Vad roligt! Jag ska strax gå till mormor/farmor och gratulera henne på Inga-dagen och då ska jag skriva ut den här sidan och visa henne.
    Ett stort grattis till körkortet, Hanna!
    Kramar till er bägge från
    släkten i Tälje

  32. GRATTIS till er båda för ett lyckat kap. Ni är så söta!
    puss från mamma/svärmor

  33. Den är jättefin och det är jag som äger den, tack hanna
    kram mamma

  34. Kudden blev jättefin och visst är det härligt med tyger och band.
    En njutning för kropp och själ.
    Bra Hanna, du har blivit såååååååååååååååå duktig!
    POK mamma

  35. Alltid lika inspirerande att lasa om vad du haller pa med! Men, hur hinner du med allt?

    Grattis ocksa till forlovningen!


  36. Hej
    Är bara inne på en snabbvisit. Lycka till med livet som förlovad!! Själv har jag varit det min DH i 27år(och gifta i 17) Så jag kan rekommendera det!

  37. gratulations!!!
    paer i hope you dont stop climbing – i can see at your fingers that there are not so many cuts…..
    keep on pulling strong fantomas?

  38. Haller med dig… aven om det ar svart ibland, alla dessa saker “som ska hinnas med”. Men visst, efter en trakig dag pa jobbet sa finns det inget battre an att koppla av med nagot annat som stimulerar kreativiteten.

    Har for tillfallet – i varan pyttelilla lagenhet – tva projekt pa gang; scannar alla vara gamla foton som sa smaningom sak bli en ny hemsida och sa har jga kopt massa parlor och gor massa roliga halsband o orhangen! Kul! Sa en minimal lagenhet ar just nu full av foton och parlor! Men vad gor man inte for lite roligt har i livet?

    Kram, Tina.

  39. hej!
    Jag går för närvarande en kurs i tvåändsstickning i Orsa. Ska flytta hem till Umeå vid jul, och är på jakt efter en kurs att gå där. Vad är det för kurs du går? Kommer det att bli någon fler till våren?

  40. I just discovered your blog, but I can’t help it : CONGRATULATIONS! Keep smiling :-D
    Now, I’m off to explore the rest of the site ;-)

  41. Ja, snälla mammor är härligt! :) Har redan använt symaskinen för att göra hållare till mina stickor och en massa haklappar.
    Och loppis är toppen! Fynda där gör gott för själen… :)

  42. what a coincidence!! i was in town today doing a little window shopping for the first time in ages and in 2 stores i happened upon this very book for the first time. LOVE! ive been admiring these girls for a while – did you catch them on that sewing show on tv4+ (cant remember the name right now but with isabelle soemthing and andreas something or other). then i come here to check in on you and there it is again.
    i found it a little expensive so couldnt buy it, but its on my list!

  43. Your needle case is very nice – it is obvious that you put a lot of attention to details. I would have been very touched if someone had offered me such a gift – your Mom must have been too! :-) I think that the fact you created this with pieces of fabric she gave you is adding value to it. Great work!

  44. i absolutely LOVE this – and totally want to try one of my own. you have a great eye for embroidery and do lovely work. i especially like the closeup with the funky flower buttons and embroidered purple flower. your mother must have cried when she got this. a great gift.

  45. Amazing – I especially like the small bouquet, and the fact that you used many little treasures – it is a truly unique piece of art!

  46. wow – that bag is SO beautiful!! I never thought I would feel an urge to sew, only knit, but after finding your blog, and seeing the needle book and now the bag, I find myself dreaming about sewing :) This is really inspiring!

  47. wow!
    i love the flower buds you made with the round beads and embroidered leaves. also really love the clear button flowers with stems in a row. great!!

  48. GRATTIS till er båda för ett lyckat kap. (I stole this ’cause I get everything, but the last word. Is it ‘couple’?)

    I’m a bit late, but I’m sure you’re still happy. I like this system of engagement without any pressure. :-)

  49. Tack, nu fick du mig verkligen att känna mig gammal!
    Hjälpte de dig att inse varför vanten ser ut som den gör? För om du vet vad som är fel med den så tycker jag faktiskt att du ska börja med en ny.
    Jag är nog lite tvärtemot de andra, jag tycker inte att du ska avsluta “den fula”, det är ju inte kul med nåt man avskyr blotta åsynen av.
    Och för att du ska få lite stick-inspiration innan januari, kolla om det inte finns nåt stick-café i Ume. Eller gå in i en garnaffär och kolla om de vill starta ett. Där kan man alltid få hjälp av nån!
    Kul att gröna tröjan blir bra!

  50. Förresten!
    Tvåändsstickning är ju svårt, så att det inte blir så bra på första försöket är väl fullkomligt normalt!

  51. Haha, jag visste väl att du skulle känna dig gammal… *fniss* Men det är du ju inte, bara äldre än mig! ;-)

    De på kursen fattade inte vad jag gjort fel, men jag tror jag vet. Använde fyra trådar när jag stickade mönstret på handryggen – antar att det blev opropetioneligt på grund av det? I alla fall är det förklaringen till varför det blev så smalt!?

    Jo, som vi säg i norrland, jag ska nog börja på en ny vante och se om den blir bra. I så fall repar jag upp hela den första och gråter en stund medans.

  52. for meg handler uansett strikking mindre om det ferdige produktet og mer om prosessen – helt fra det er en fantasi og en drøm, via garnbutikken og til selve strikkingen. herlig! om sluttresultatet blir bra er det en ekstra bonus!

  53. Here’s another German word “Umweg”. I had been wondering about the t-shirt undies lately, myself. I forgot the original’s site name and forgot the new site’s name (get crafty had been taken over by supernaturale). So, via a Umweg, that would be you, AND you’re on the other side of the pond (cause I’m in the US) I found it! Thank you! Isn’t this just funny!

  54. Hi,
    I’m glad you like Bloglines too, I think it is super. I really like the way it suggests other blogs that might interest me. I found at least ten new knitting blogs that way!

  55. Oh, that looks avesome. I´m thinkin to make something like that myself, there´s always room for another bag and crazy quilting fascinates me.

  56. as i understand it, the pippi socks (which i love and hope to make some day) were originally knitted with silja sock yarn from gjestal – i don’t know if you can get it in sweden but here in norway it’s very affordable. let me know should you need help getting hold of some.

  57. … (I’m officially freaked out by the pics. will have to collect my thoughts and get back to you.) ;-)

  58. amazing pictures! looks like you had a great time. and it’s amazing how different our winter experiences are being only a country apart. (are you in the north, perhaps?)

  59. The photos are absolutely fantastic! Very beautiful, and sometimes eerie. But in a good way!
    I want ice on the lake too! Stockholm is all thaw now, it’s horrible!


  60. Hej Hanna!
    Vilken UNDERBAR sida du har! Jag sitter h?r p? jobbet och bara kollar och kollar p? allt fint du har gjort, gl?mmer bort (f?rtr?nger)att jobba!
    Blir inspirerad som 17 av alla roliga saker du hittar p?! Jag vill ocks?.

    Minna (ingers syrra)

  61. Hanna…du har blivit uppm?rksammad p? Enblogomdan…

    Trevlig blog om ditt intresse…

  62. Oh, I understand completely. I am a horder of notebooks. Mine are mostly empty, because I am never sure if what I put in it, is worth the notebook’s beauty or coolness! ;-)

  63. I just recieved Knit1 too (my wonderful boyfriend bought a subscription for me!), and I like it, although I don’t understand why they only use Lion Brand…

    Eagerly expecting no 2.

  64. Hey! I commented on it too!
    And I also mention that the reason why they use Lion Brand yarns only, is that it is a joint venture between Vogue Knitting and Lion Brand. In other words, Lion Brand pays for it.
    I’m perplexed that they sell it in Sweden.

  65. I have the same problem… I live in Italy and the only one magazine which shows young and amazing patterns uses a kind of yarn that I can’t find.
    However it’s hard to find out foreign knitting magazines or books because this is not a common hobby here.
    Internet helps me a lot.

  66. lucky you! Nice stars! I love the red ones. When I get my sawing mashince, can I copy them? LOL (laugh out loud)


  67. Hi Hanna!
    I usually watch Sex and the city too, especially while I’m knitting or ironing my boyfriend’s ties on Sunday night… but it’s over and I think I can’t replace it.
    I’ll miss these four fabolous girls a lot..
    I think I’II confort myself by watching “The wonderful world of Amelie ” (I hope it’s a good translation) or “You’ve got mail” or ” Notting Hill”…
    Sooo sweet…

  68. Hmmm, how strange to not be able to get Interweave overseas. Can you subscribe?! If you’d really like one, let me know. I would be happy to send one your way. Think of it as a way to spread Christmas Cheer!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  69. Marvellous! Your socks are so lovely.. I think I’ll ask my grandmother to teach me how to knit them. I hope it will be a productive weekend!
    Thank you for the inspiration!

  70. Yay!! These were good practice for you-know-what! ;-)
    What yarn is this? I don’t nomrally like the self-patterning sock yarn, but this is nice.
    I’ll make the announcement today.

  71. Jod?, nog finns det ett svenskt ord f?r knitalong….
    Sticka! hade en t?vling i h?stas och Jorun i Luxemburg vann.


    Ett bra ord, eller hur?


  72. That’s very tempting. Especially now that I have some sock needles. I need to practice, I need to practice, I need to practice…


  73. Beautiful sock. I have yet to tackle one – I feel the urge now that I see how well yours turned out!

  74. Hello Hannah!
    What a coincidence! I just got a picture of my fadderbarn from Benin! It’s an adorable girl of 4, and I’m so excited! I can’t understand what took me so long, I’ve been thinking about it for years!

    I think you will be very happy with your decision, I know I am.

  75. My 2005 starts as well as I’ve never thought. My sister in law gave me her christmas present: a huge (250 gr) , lovely, colorfull and soft woolen ball. I’ve immediately started knitting a cute phildair sweather for my niece.
    I feel so inspired that I think to start my knitting blog. I wish I won’t give up…
    Have a crafty 2005!

  76. I think you should do a non-itchy wool or wear tights underneath.
    The “equipment” is called a swift. Your pictures are really nice. : )

  77. I love your yarn! Why do you think the yarn might be too itchy? Does it feel itchy? Why don’t you make small swatch, wash that and see how that feels on your legs?
    Hey, we need to talk!

  78. If you really want to use the yarn (I think it will look great!) do a small swatch and keep it pinned to your trouseres so it’s next to your skin for a while. If it starts itching, get a new yarn, and save that for something else. If it doesn’t itch, go right ahead!

    Godd luck! :)

  79. Your colors are so pretty!! I think my yarn for the long socks is going to be itchy too, so I’m planning tights underneath.

    Can’t wait for socks!!

  80. Sorry to hear about your crash/accident and that screen cleaner is too funny.
    See, questions like that you need to raise at the KAL blog, as there are 20 people ready to answer questions like that.
    The math is pretty simple. But first, is your swatch 9x11cm in blocked or unblocked state? If unblocked, don’t worry. In any case, what youd need to figure out is this:
    if 20 st = 9cm then you knit at (20:9=) 2.22 st per cm.
    so if you need to knit something that’s, let’s say 33cm wide, you would have to cast on (33×2.22=) 73 st. If you were ‘on gauge’, the pattern would tell you to cast on 66 st.
    With regards to row hight, i.e. you getting 11cm with 36 rows instead of 10cm – it’s not as crucial, because you can measure as you go. So if the pattern says knit 36 rows and we know that is 10cm, then you knit for 10cm without counting the rows. In any case, your row gauge is
    36r:11=3.27rows, instead of 3.6 rows; which means that for 10cm in height, you would knit 33rows.
    See, it’s simple math.
    Please post questions like these, if they concern sock making, on the KAL site, that’s what its for!
    I cannot wait to get started and those shoes are going to be GREAT with the socks!

  81. Jag ?r s? avis p? dig f?r att du pysslar och fixar! Och hittar s? mycket fina grejjer p? loppisar. Jag kan virka men inte sticka. Eller jo, jag kan sticka, men jag har gl?mt hur man b?rjar l?gga upp lixom, d? blir det knepigt!

  82. i feel your pain about the car situation. i did the same thing a few months ago! totally wrecked the car which never made it back from the shop and when last heard of was sitting at “skroten” in v?ster?s. poor little car.
    and now i have to decide if to get a new car and if so, which one. its been a drama – mostly because i’m making it into one. but i defintitely need a car and soon, but can’t quite bring myself to making the committment. it feels BIG.
    let me know what you decide – maybe i can become inspired by you?
    and yes – the shoes are the cutest!

  83. Oj, m?nga projekt blir det! Du verkar v?ldigt kreativ, vad kul! Retrotyget k?nns HELT r?tt! :)

  84. LOVE the green-red fabric. Love it. I’m very partial to the funky 70ies prints. Yes, I got your email, but haven’t gotten to sitting down and replying yet. How do you say in Swedish when you like something very much, like Americans say LOVE IT?

  85. Hej igen! Jag skrev min c-uppsats i historia om den adliga mannens fadersroll! K?nsroller s? att det skrek om det, intressant!

  86. Du kan undvika “stegarna” genom att variera vart n?gonstans du har stickorna. Ex. sticka ?ver tv? maskor p? den sticka du har ig?ng. D? flyttar du stegarna stegvis och de blir mindre och inte lika synliga. :-)

  87. Wonderful recycling idea! I really like it! :)

    Just came across your blog, and I am happy to meet you!

  88. Vad fint det blev! Och speciellt med Regiasockor i sig, i den där supersnygga färgen :)

  89. Fina bilder, mycket fina bilder, det m?ste jag verkligen s?ga.
    Du ?r s? p?hittig. Tack f?r att jag f?r vara med p? din sida.
    Puss mamma

  90. i’ve wanted to try, but have yet to accomplish it. sounds like you have inspiration at hand, so don’t let it pass.

    “ugly” just means not what you were expecting; as for “useless” or “bad,” it is an intangible representation of a moment in your life; how can that be useless or bad?

  91. I am so in love with the denim basket. Someday, when I un-earth my sewing machine, I might try to make one. And you’ve been Tagged. Stop by my blog for details…

  92. I don’t think you can make bad/useless/ugly art… not all people will love what you make, maybe not even yourself, but others will be absolutely mad about it ;)
    my mother is a painter, and she had an exhibition some years ago. there was a painting that she didn’t want to bring for it, she thought it was horrible… I talked her into it, and it was the first to be sold :)
    so just jump right into it, I’ll be looking forward to following it! I can’t wait till my exams are finished, so I can be creative again!!


  93. Många tack för feedback på svenskan, sånt tar jag emot med glädje.
    Roligt att du ska börja en artist journal. Det gjorde jag i 2004, fyllde två stora skissböcker. Du ska inte alls bry dig om vad andra tycker eller tror, just do it! Det som är viktigt är att du upplever det.
    En inspirationkälla: Keri Smith och en till – superbra: Danny Gregory!

  94. Every once in a while I run across someone a lot like me…I’m amazed at how you have the same obsessiveness and willingness to try new things. I’m looking forward to seeing your journal pages. I have a cloth journal I’m just starting and a paper one I’ve been thinking about using for colored pencil drawings. If only there were more time ,eh?

  95. yay! i have been wondering about gesso for ages. get busy, girl, and post them pages! i want to see what you’re up to!

  96. so this is what happens when a girl leaves town for a few days!
    i’m flattered, hanna!
    and yes, i have played along!

    thanks for thinking of me, sweetie!

  97. Hehe, kolla vad smarrtigt!

    1. Total amount of music files on your computer:
    M?ngder av mp3or! N?stan bara bra musik.

    2. The last CD you bought was:
    Infinitive Mass

    3. What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?
    Christian Walz “Wonderchild” (mp3)

    4. Write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.
    – Lars Winnerb?ck “Om tiden ville fatt”. Men det k?nns or?ttvist att bara v?lja en av hans l?tar!
    – H?kan Hellstr?m: “Minnen av aprilhimlen” K?nns or?ttvist ?ven f?r H?kan Hellstr?m…
    – Goa psykadelik trance: I am God =??? varf?r gillar jag den?
    – Kent – “Just like money” Mycket bra engeslk l?t med favvo-Kent!
    – Alla l?tar p? K?ldolmar och kalsipper! Hahaha!

  98. Om du hittar ett m?nster som du gillar, s? kan du ju f?rs?ka hitta liknande garn i Sverige.
    Det finns ju liknande garner som man kan ers?tta med….
    Man kollar stickfastheten….. och antal meter p? garnet.
    Om det st?mmer s? kan man byta ut garnet.

    Och om du hittar ett fint garn, f?rs?k hitta ett grundm?nster som ser ut ungef?r som det du vill g?ra, och som passar till garnet. Sen kan man l?gga till grejer….. eller ta bort.
    Jag vet, det k?nns lite stort i b?rjan, men det ?r bara att prova! Det ?r det man l?r sig p?. Det och en massa t?lamod s? kan man komma l?ngt!
    Beh?ver du hj?lp, s? hojta! Jag kan lite i alla fall, och annars har jag kompisar som kan en hel del!


  99. Jag tycker ocks? tr?jan p? omslaget till Garntj?nsts senaste ?r snygg! Det fann en del snygg design i den tyckte jag ocks?, men jag f?rs?ker att inte best?lla mer garn just nu. M?ste g?ra klart det jag h?ller p? med. Men det r?cker v?l med att se vad du har best?llt sen f?r att jag ska falla till f?ga….:)

  100. I like your cellphone cover very much! I have one but it is pretty ugly. It was one of the first things I ever made, and you can tell! I should make another nice one like yours!

    I am glad that you cellphone will be warm!

  101. I can help you with German. I think Marika explains that the Sommerliche Top is just rib. Try for German yarns. They’re bound to ship to Sweden.
    I get like you when I see Dale patterns I like.Though I can get Dale yarn and patterns online.
    Don’t you tempt me now with Swedish stuff!

  102. Tja!
    jag har b?rjat min virkagrytlapparp?l?pandebandkarri?r! Var p? Myrornas p? S?der ig?r och de hade hela kassar med garn (nytt) f?r bara 20-50 kr styck. men jag k?pte bara en – och s? gjorde jag en riktigt AJA BAJA- jag b?t nystan mellan tv? kassar!

  103. Hi Hanna

    I just came across your blog, and I love it! You have great style, and your crafting is very cool. I shall be visiting again!

    I found you when I Googled my name during lunch today (I was bored!); I’m Trudie Bamford, who wrote the book Viva Vintage, which you mentioned in one of your posts. Thank you so much for recommending it, and I think its so cool its in your library!

    Since you are into crafting, knitting, etc, you might be interested in my new website, Hip Knits, which sells unusual yarns online, some of which are unavailable in Europe. Come and visit me!

    Keep up the crafty goodness,

    Hugs, Trudie

  104. I’m moved, when i’see all this socks and these crocheted mats. How many love is these knitting things.
    (excuse my english)

  105. Great finds! There is nothing like second hand shopping. I love it!

    This bowl you got is so pretty! Very Shabby Chic! :)

  106. Kolla h?r vad man kan g?ra med fina gamla b?cker!
    Vilka h?rliga fynd du har hittat! Har lust att ta semester och bara shoppa fleamarkets ett par dagar!

  107. m?ssan ?r j?ttefin och jag hade den n?r vi var p? promenad d? det var -5 grader, s? det s

  108. Det var hemskt roligt att titta p? alla bilderna vad fint det ser ut, nu blir man ju sugen att g?ra n?t nytt tokigt igen, vi f?r se vad det blir. Vart ska jag leta efter damen med de 200 bilderna p? sitt tokt?cke. Jag vill se dom ocks?.
    Man blir verkligen inspirerad, forts?tt jobba Hanna
    kram mamma

  109. Jag f?rst?r inte hur du kan hitta s? mycket fina grejor, sk?len var j?ttefin, men de gamla stickb?ckerna g?r ju inte av f?r hackor heller. Snart f?r du komma hit s? vi kan ?ka p? loppisrunda tillsammans.

  110. Sy sticka l?sa m?la, ja allt du n?mner f?rgyller tillvaron d? kv?llarna ?r l?nga, m?rka och kalla. Att man dessutom kan gl?dja sina v?nner med sm? trevliga hemmatillverkade grejor g?r ju saken inte s?mre. Jag ?lskar dig Hanna f?r att du har s? mycket gl?dje och sprudlande energi i dig.
    Puss fr mamma

  111. Nä nu blir jag avundsjuk, det var ju jag som skulle göra den där först.Nu får nog morsan sätta fart, jag vill också ha en sån FIN korg
    puss från mamma

  112. Den bl? nallen l?ngtar efter en matte, han vill inte ligga i ett sk?p, d?r ?r b?de m?rkt och kallt.
    Jag l?ngtar ocks? efter dig och alla dina tokiga ideer.
    Du har gjort s? mycket fina saker.
    Kram mamma

  113. That little knitted diaper is too funny!
    I don’t see children wearing these things now, but they are very cute.

    I am happy that you found such an interesting book! :)

  114. Lycka till med din nya ide, det ska bli kul att se dina skapelser senare.
    kram mamma

  115. I love those old childrens clothes! I have a bunch of old knitting magazines, especially from the 40’s and I tell you, I could almost consider having a baby only to be able to knit those clothes for them!

  116. hey hanna it looks GREAT! what did you color the paper with? i’m excited about your project and will be checking in on your progress. finding a basic book you like is half the battle!

  117. welcome to the club! i know exactly what you mean. i always thought stamps were a little tacky until i saw an example of someone who REALLY knew what they were doing and then it all fell into place for me. stamps can be very very cool and also creative, even though it sometimes feels like cheating a bit. is a site i really love which i think shows rubberstamping at its plain and steamlined and tasteful best. there are also lots of cute ideas on although some of the cards and things there are not quite my taste.

  118. Very nice entry–I have many emails in my inbox! I really like your blog, so I put you on my sidebar at my blog. I would love to hear from you sometime!

  119. I think you won’t be happy when I say this… but you could have gotten the pattern for the lovikka mittens for free from me ;) I have an old Swedish pattern my mom scanned for me :)
    The yarn (Hjertegarn) is Danish, but I don’t know how much it is here…

  120. wee wonderfuls and hope are both sites i really enjoy too.
    the link you have here to the scrapbooking post doesn’t appear to be working, though. or maybe the problem is with my computer?

  121. she looks LOVELY hanna! you have really gotten the hang of this! im still trying to not be intimidated by my paints!

  122. my inbox has been causing me so much stress lately. this is a great way of looking at it. I’m feeling calmer already – thanks! :)

  123. Also working on a pair of Lovika mittens… haven’t made it past the thumb opening… it will be next winter before they are completed. Like the lovely pink color you are using.

  124. Very warm mittens for a cold period this winter and the next one.Good luck finding more yarn.
    I’m listening at Sv?lh?let by Mikael Niemi.Much better when he reads then when you only read the stories.I love listening to Sara Lidman reading her books.Just so fantastic.A good idea to listen to something when you knit. I’m going to the library finding more books .
    Ulla in the north of Sweden

  125. You have some lovely things, Hanna! I am a collector too :) I really like the pink and green fabric. I am not so good at sewing, but hopefully I can make some things for the summer season.

    Thank you SO much for stopping by my blog–it was wonderful to hear from you! :)

  126. those blue buttons are beautiful! It’s always good to have lots of fabric and trims on hand for when the spirit moves you. at least that’s how I justify collecting so much more than I use!

  127. Hi Hanna!
    Thank you SO MUCH for visiting my site! :) I am so happy now because I have the opportunity to explore yours – – your site is so BEAUTIFUL and INSPIRATIONAL! ;)


  128. they’re so great! i love the way you combined 2 colors on these. and what colors!!! i have also made lovvika mittens a couple of times and find them fun and easy to knit and they’re as warm as they are attractive.
    not sure about shrinking them… maybe someone else with more felting experience has some advice?

  129. The are beautiful mittens, Hanna! I love that pink. Have you thought about putting them in the wash to felt them a little so that they are not so big?

    Hope all is well :)

  130. Hi :)

    In my pattern for Lovikka mittens, it says that one shoul use a brush of some kind, to “rug up the surface” but I read about Lovikka mittens on the internet, and it said, that they originally were felted, so if I were you I’d felt them :) I have a pair that fits, but (some day when I have time) I’ll felt them by hand, so that they will fit my hands perfectly :)

    the colours are really nice – mine are just boring white ;)


  131. I love you to. H?r sitter jag och blir alldeles gr?tmild ?ver att du gjort ett s??????? fint collage.
    TACK lilla gumman, vi ses snart
    pok mamma

  132. You have too much time on your hands! ;-) But seriously, that was actually quite a nice idea for really ugly books. Although you must admit there are a lot of beautiful book covers out there as well! Like…ehm…ah…let’s see now…

  133. Oooh, that is so coool! Just wish I had the time to do it… cause ugly books I have a few! ;)
    Pretty wristwarmers!

  134. excellent post! i LOVE the books and the labels look completely perfect on them. great idea!
    also – how did you know i have been lusting after “pulsv?rmare”??? at the top of my knitting list when i get back to knitting.

  135. Hej,

    Tycker ditt garn ser superh?rligt ut. Lite som om man klippt mupparna och sedan spunnit :-) Fantastiska f?rger!!

  136. Wow! That yarn looks like so much fun! A great spring knit! Can’t wait to see how it will look on you!

    Have a nice weekend, Hanna! :)

  137. Allts? nu f?r du sluta! Jag sitter ju h?r p? jobbet och blir alldeles sur f?r att jag inte kan bra ?ka hem nu direkt och pyssla collage!! S? underbart inspirerande! :) Och till din mamma. Verkligen verkligen fint. Kram!

  138. Can anybody tell me where I can buy Phildair yarns and patterns, nowhere in UK seems to know anything.

  139. They’re fantastic!!! I love, love, love your colors. They look yummy. Now I have to run downstairs and get some Good-n-Plenty candy!


  140. It always amazes me that people can actually knit socks. That just looks so hard. Yours are fabulous, I love the colors, and I’m also loving your shoes! You have so much wonderful stuff on your blog, total eye candy.

    Thanks for visiting my site!

  141. Taipei-skor? :-) Tycker jag k?nner igen dem.

    Coolt med s? l?nga sockor, grattis till att du gjorde klart dem!


  142. Those look super, Hanna! I really like them with your outfit in the first picture! Wonderful work! :)

  143. Do-Re-Do…do it more.You really succeded in making soft mittens,romantic mittens.Wellcome spring….where are you?-23C!!!!
    Lovely knit-alog-stockings just perfect these days.

    I have this book just now and yes it’s really worth washing woolthings in warm water.And the decorations…so many possibilities.

  144. Ooooooh! Great job, they came out so cute :) I think the embroidery was the perfect touch. I’ll have to check that book out, it sounds like it has some fun ideas.

  145. Hej hej

    Jag har kikat runt lite h?r. Det fanns mycket sp?nnande, gillade speciellt den fina kassen med Dunderklumpen och v?nner. Det tr?kiga var att jag ?terigen blev lite ledsen ?ver att jag inte kan sy… :-(
    Det finns bilder p? filtapelsinerna och dockorna nu p? min hemsida (apelsinerna hade trillat bort n?r jag gjorde om sidan s? det var bra att du p?minde mig, ?ven bra att du la m?rke till fell?nkningen i pysselmenyn).
    Roligt f?rresten med fler som gillar barnlitteratur. Jag har min magisterexamen i det ?mnet! :-)

  146. Great fabric you used for that bag. I’m a real sucker for red backgrounds and big flowers :).

  147. Lovely photos, Hanna!

    Did you see the note on my blog about you? I just love you style :)

    I hope I hear from you soon!

  148. Love the tote- you can never have enough. The serendipity gloves are wonderful, too. I like the movie, too- great for when hubby’s gone. :o)

  149. Men Guuud! Vart har jag kommit ? till himlen eller? Vilka fantastiska saker du g?r, jag k?nner inspirationen p? varje liten gnutta av din sida. ?lskar fullkomligt dina kaffeunderl?gg! Och klubben ni har och v?skan du gjort! M?ste genast kika mer!
    Min ull(ja)m?ssa blir nog klar lagom till m?rkret i november ? Men fin blir den nog. ;o)

  150. Oh Hanna
    I saw Kuan Yin in a buddist temple in Xian,on the back of the wall where we saw the sculpture of Buddha.Oh I remember her….I have a little one I bought.I visited Beijing and Xian in November 2004.

    Your collage make me feel so nostalgic.Kuan Yin is someone the women can trust on or…..The women have a hard life in many countries………..also in China.
    Ulla in the north of Sweden

  151. oh thats pretty.

    and I LOVE those gloves you made, the socks!! and the flower pin.
    thanks for stopping by and saying hello.

  152. Du kan du!! J?ttefin tavla!
    Jag f?r s?n lust att g?ra s?na tavlor jag med… men tiden r?cker liksom inte till. Ack ja…

  153. Hej, jag har läst din blog i “smyg” länge utan att kommentera något, men du gör fina och härliga saker och verkar ha massor av roliga idéer. Och nu har jag tagit mig “modet” att starta en blog, där du är omnämnd i mitt första inlägg. Många bloggar om stickning har jag upptäckt med detärr färre/ingen om träslöjd så jag tänkte att min skulle ha huvudtema träslöjd…

  154. you’re right! you look like an anim? girl! a nordic anim? girl! and the shoes show them off perfectly.
    when will you use them? all the time! keep those legs warm and stylish!
    (i fear i have overused the ! but can i help it if you’ve done it again?!)

  155. ?ber-sweet! Ojoj, vad det regnar h?r. Tr?kkigt. Saknar dig, speciellt nu n?r du har s? fin m?ssa!

  156. I found your blog while reading shoes and ships blog. I had so much fun looking around at all your crafts and knitting and more. You are very creative and i’m excited to come back and see the great things you will post.

  157. Glad p?sk p? dig ocks?, du har bloggat mycket l?ngre ?n mig, underbar blog du har och vad vackert ditt lappt?cke med filtade tr?jor blir!

  158. Ojd?! Tack f?r upplysningen, jag m?ste genast kolla upp det n?r jag kommer hem till min egen dator! Nu sitter jag tyv?rr p? ett segt modem hos mor och far. Fast lite konstigt ?r det, f?r det har funkat fr?n andra datorer tidigare. Jag kan inte heller se dem sj?lv h?r…

  159. Ooooh, I just love that white and pink hat! SO CUTE! What a pleasant little surprise in those bags of feathers.

  160. Nu g?r det att se mina bilder, blogger ogillade nog skarpt passagen… s? nu har jag flyttat dem till annan plats!

    Vilken tur att du p?pekade! Tack igen!

  161. I love the Dymo! Tape me down memory lane… What a fun idea to use it on cards etc. I’m pinching it. And I’m linking to you in my next posting :)

  162. funny pictures from a very fun day. that lady in the background made me laugh out loud. what a riot. thanks sweetie!

  163. Extremt söt! Det är ju nästan som att man vill ha en liten rabbis själv… Undar vad katterna skulle säga om det? “Titta- lunch!” ;)

  164. Hanna,

    I really enjoy your blog! I am a fellow knitter from the United States, and I need some help. I am wondering if you know how I might be able to order some Hjertegarn (Hjerte Blend) from a web site? I travelled to Denmark in the fall and bought lots of beautiful yarns, but now I have run out in the middle of knitting a dress for my daughter! We have nothing like it here. Do you know of a web site that sells this brand? I’ve done a lot of googling but cannot find a web site, and I don’t speak the language.

    Thank you for any advice you can give. Best wishes on your knitting!


  165. Hi Hanna!
    I don’t know if you’ve ever taken a look at Grace from Knitty… it seems speedy to make and needs only three skeins of yarn. I think it’ll be perfect with your big hank… candy color and vintage style..

  166. Hanna! Thanks for those pictures! You have inspired me to have an art party one of these days where I’ll invite friends to make collages, etc.

    I really enjoy reading your blog. You are always up to something delightful.


  167. S? fin!!
    Jag h?ller p? med en likadan, till min syster. Fast i bl?tt garn men lila paljetter… Massor med paljetter, antagligen alldeles f?r m?nga. Ingen aning om det blir snyggt eller inte. :)

  168. What a fun day! I can’t wait to see what you create with all that new yarn!

  169. Jag var ocks? p? Ljungvists garn i tisdags eller onsdags! Det var d?r jag fann mer Muskat-garn och det skitlena, randiga garnet. Det ?r f?sta g?ngen jag k?per akryl och jag vet inte vad det ska bli ?n ? en m?ssa kanske (fast det ?r v?r nu). Hmm ?
    Jag blir himla inspirerad av din sida ska du veta! Var hittar jag din nalle?

  170. I love that little stamp too! I think I have seen it before–I started a stamp collection when I was six years old! Haven’t touched it lately though. The parcel sounds sweet!
    Thanks for visiting me by the way!

  171. wow, those colors look fabulous knit up! perfect for the season. very happy colors. have a great weekend!

  172. FABULOUS bags. great details. i just love them! you are so talented. can’t wait to see what you make next.

  173. hej hanna,
    tack for din comment pa min blog! sitter just o kollar pa din. gillar dina randiga knitted saker. i have to learn how to make stripes when knitting. i don’t know after switching colors, how to make that one row of the wrong color disappear. ar du svensk o bara skriver mycket av din blog pa engelska? nyfiken. skall kolla lite mer nu! hej sa lange.

  174. i agree! scrapbooking is nothing for me and i prefer, like you, to have the photos the way they are, in plain albums :)

  175. Hey – you didn’t leave your email address …
    That’s quite funny, your kitchener technique. See, when it says “turn work”, this just means that you got to the end of the row, and now turn around so you can start a new row. Jut as you do every time when knittig flat. What you did with your sock is “turn inside out”. But it didn’t say “turn inside out”, right. It said “turn” or “turn work”.
    Yup, I have a serious fabric addiction, too. And yup, I’m behind with reading up on you. And lotsa other people. It seems that our little trip to California did not have the desired relaxation effect on me. I came back and didn’t feel like doing anything when I got back, including blogging! Imagine that!
    Lovely gifts your mormor gave you.

  176. oh i looove rachel ashwell. i have watched all of her show based on her shabby chic style. i totally understand why you adore her creations. i do as well. i have all of her books i have been able to find.

  177. HI! And, yes, I just happen to be an idiot for collecting anything that can be further utilized for my habitat. Which brands of yarn possess the desirable qualities for two-end tubular knitting? I cannot locate Neveda’s “Misty” dress yarn or “Newo-Lon Sport”.

  178. I like Shabby Chic stuff too. As “froggy” mentioned, there used to be TV show which was cool. She was always putting together beautiful parties by picking up fabrics from India, or inexpensive items in Chiatown. I loved that. If you can find it, you’d probably like “Found Style” by David and Amy Butler.

  179. Hi :)
    I’ve been knitting the Danish designer Marianne Isager’s cardigan “Sukkertr?jen” and when knitting the shoulders, you also have to knit some of a row, and then turn. She avoids the holes by wrapping the yarn once around the needle next to where you turn… and then knitting them together on the next row.
    I can find the description of it and send it to you, if you’re interested? Oh, and would you like it in Danish or English? Maybe I can translate it to Swedish… :)

    Elisabeth – who adores that little cardigan set!!

  180. So very cute! The clothes are so cute too!

    Thank you for writing on my blog, Hanna! It was so nice to hear from you… I am back to blogging now :)

  181. they look beautiful! really wonderful.

    and i so admire your discipline! every day is a great thing.


  182. Very inspiring for us all.
    A good idea to catch the day and be both abstract and realistic when you create.Perhaps you can find something you even have hidden for yourself.Fascinating.Symbols you know……
    ulla in the north of Sweden

  183. “egentligen st?r det ju ljusbl?tt men jag g?r min i gr?nt eftersom jag inte vet vilket k?n b?bisen ?r”

    why, oh why?

  184. S? s?t!
    Attans att jag gl?mde skriva en kommentar till din f?delsedag.
    N?ja, grattis i efterskott! Hoppas du hade en underbar dag!

  185. Found my way here today and enjoyed my visit very much. Got all inspired to set up my sewing machine and rummage through my fabrics! :-)

    I’ll be back. =)

  186. Well I realize that I got into a section that was not all in english, so therfore I guess I can’t ask for the pattern on those cute coffee cup matts. I have never seen that pattern on something that small. I wish I could have it if at all possible, I would appreciate it. The shawls were pretty too.

    Thank You,

  187. What a wonderful idea! Now I want to try that with my journal. I’ve tried to use pencils and markers and stickers and stuff, but it just wasn’t me. A collage would also be a great way to reuse some of the magazines lying around my place. Thanks!

  188. That little tank is so much easier to care for than the huge “real” fish tanks that we have here! I love it :)

    Hope you are having a good week, Hanna!

  189. Lovely colour combination on your vest. Yikes, so many ends to weave in? Thanks for visiting my site and dropping a comment. I read your blog too and I love all the creative things you do -especially those beautiful quilted bags. You’ve got a great eye for colour! And I wish I had a knitting guru too!

  190. Little you, little me. But now with that easter-chicken and our fishes (pock-pock) and the little buss it feels like we’re not alone. Maybe a movie tonight with some nice garlic to go with it.

  191. Hej mammas lilla gull, det var m?nga fina bilder p? allt du gjort, jag blir s? mallig och stolt att du kan s? mycket. Synd bara att du inte h?ll p? s? h?r n?r du bodde hemma, t?nk vad mycket det hade varit d?.Jag ser fram emot n?r du kommer hem n?sta g?ng, vad ska vi d? hitta p?.
    Kram mamma

  192. dear hanna,
    i just got your beautiful postcard!!!!!!!! (Myra?s swap)
    This is so fun, to find people all over the world that likes the same things :)))))))
    Perhaps we could make a craft swap too, you do such beautiful things, what do you say?????????????

    (I am doing changes in my blog and then i will add you to my contact list!!!)

    take care


  193. hej hanna! jag fick just ditt vykort for the post card swap. min forsta! va overaskad o glad jag blev. gillar hur traden i fagelns nabb ar till en fagel nest. (heter det fagelby pa sv.?) fageln kan “make stuff” som du kan!
    jag har menat att skriva tillbaka till dig efter din senaste comment pa min blog, men har inte gjort det an. skall fortfarande forsoka forklara vad jag menade med att sticka rander. men just nu maste jag ut. ville bara skriva en snabb tack sa jatte mycket for vykortet! din journal du visar har ar fin hors, kerstin

  194. Wow, what a year for you. Congratulations on your new crafty life!
    Fun story about the picture, too. (What *were* you thinking??? *lol*)

  195. Congratulations on a wonderful year of discovery of your creative side! I had a similar journey in the last year or so and I’m happy to be sewing and knitting and crocheting again. One day, I hope to paint too. Thank you for an inspiring blog, and may your creativity continue to flow and blossom!

  196. happy birthday blog! ;)

    jag funderar ibland p? det, hur man skulle g?ra om man med sitt pysselsinne kom till en s?dan marknad du var p?. jag skulle vilja k?pa allt … och antagligen inte ha en m?jlighet att b?ra det. och s? ska man v?lja klokt och inte ?ngra sig n?r man kom hem att man inte k?pt den d?r tygbiten eller s? … *phu* pysselparadisen kan vara lite jobbiga ibland ;)

  197. Hanna-
    I just received my postcard from Myra’s swap today! You are incredibly talented! I love it! Up on my bulletin board it goes (when I need some inspiration) Thanks!

  198. N?r syster var h?r var vi i just en s?n pysselbutik! Syster tog n?gra kort som du ska f? se n?r de ?r framkallade. Vi var b?da r?rande ?verens om att det var tur (f?r din pl?nbok, och mentala h?lsa) att du inte var med. ;-)


  199. One magazine from Somerset shines above the rest if you prefer more textiley mixed media–Belle Armoire!

    Like your blog–nice and fresh!

  200. Soon our dream house in Rbck will be on sale! 200 square meters filled with crafting and love!

  201. Oj, har du inte h?llit p? l?ngre ?n s?! Det trodde jag… :) Grattis till ett ?rs bloggande!
    Jojo, p? den d?r marknaden hade man nog kunnat g? totalt b?rs?rk!! ;)

  202. GRATTIS! Jag bara ?lskar att ha en s?n kreativ dotter, som ger mej s? mycket inspiration och gl?dje i livet. Jag har tur som har f?tt dig, v?rldens gulligaste pysselunge.
    Kram fr?n mamma

  203. I loved reading this post about your creative journey and Happy Birthday to your blog! I have no doubt that I will be writing something similar on my blog’s birthday which by no coincidence happens to be my own.
    I wish you the best in all your creative pursuits!

  204. Hanna, your cards look so beautiful all in one photo like that. Do you mind if I add that picture to the photo album as well. I love the card you sent me. I have it up on my inspiration board and smile whenever I look at it. Thanks so much!

  205. IKEA Kungens Kurva har p “Work”-vningen inrett vrldens underbaraste sy-/craftrum, har du inte sett det, s ta en kik, IKEA r vrt en besk nstan bara fr det rummet!

  206. I’m so proud of you for participating in that. I was too scared to swap when I saw the level of talent that was participating, but yours totally measure up! congratulations!!

  207. It’s amazing how you can carve out a space when you want one, eh? I had 1/2 of our guest room, but since the kids have thier own rooms now, I’m sharing the office, but at least it’s a space. Maybe we can dream about a true studio space, eh? I’m sure it will happen eventually! :-)

  208. Awwww, I love your cute monster! And I too have been stalking the Month of Softies for a theme that workked for me, except I’ve been lazy lately. Thanks for the reminder!

  209. Dear Hanna,
    Thank you so much again for the lovely postcard! It is displayed on my wall and I always smile when I see it. I am so glad that you like my cats. I love your Month of Softies monster too.

  210. vilken cooling! ;)

    jag hade inte en tanke p? att det var monstertema n?r jag gjorde mitt lilla monster i g?r. jag f?r haka p? n?sta m?nad i st?llet och se vad det blir :-)

  211. N?r jag som mest beh?vde inspiration ? hamnade jag hos dig igen! :)
    Vilket s?tt monster du gjort (viskar det s? att h*n inte h?r ?) ;)

  212. I like that sprout of pink hair right on top of his head :) Looks great, Hanna. He is cute!

  213. T?nk att “vi” inte skriver s? numera. Nu klickar ju jag mest p? datorn, och f?r skrivkramp n?r jag skriver ‘riktiga’ brev! N?r vi f?r brev fr?n makens mormor blir jag alltid inspirerad att skriva fin fint… men min handwriting ? is out of practice :)
    -Ja, yoga tror jag att jag ska gilla. Enkelt att g?ra p? plats, och jag m?r s? bra efter?t !

  214. hehe. i keep them in a box. silly, but true.
    so about those stripes… i’m going to explain in
    english because it’s easier for me. say you’re kniting
    blue and green stripes. when you switch colors on one
    side it looks fine, but on the other it looks like
    blue stripes and then one row of green, one blue and
    then green stripes. (ok, this is hard to explain!)
    maybe i’ll have to knit some and send you pics. or
    i’ll look up instructions online.
    i like your monster! rolig!

  215. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks so much for your comment on my blog :) I like yours too. Wow your postcards look terrific! And the monster is very cool. Thanks for all those links (Camilla is amazing isn’t she, I really want one of her crochet softies).

  216. I love your site. You have the most interesting links. Part of the fun of blogging is seeing everyone else’s favorites. Oh, and neat ATC. And thanks for visiting my site :>

  217. Thank you so much for visiting my site and giving me the information on fabric postcards. I am so excited about trying these fabric postcards out.

  218. Follow your bliss, right? It sounds fun–I may have to give it a try myself!
    It’s good you keep it as it makes you happy–sometimes it’s hard to let go of our babies.

    Have a great weekend creating more cards!

  219. Hej! Jag älskar ditt ATC kort. Of course you need to give yourself that one – and I love what you wrote: “What a great gift creativity is.” That is so true – for the giver and the receiver :)

    I am also so glad to have found the aisling links – wow! Inspired me to re-post a project I did last fall :)

    Well, today it’s time to sew – FINALLY. I have been waiting for “time” to sew the outdoor patio chair cushions, and now…. today. Finally.

    But first it’s off to the ballpark.

  220. h vad roligt det r att hitta gamla fynd i mammas gmmor. Nallarna och syetuiet r jttegulligt. Bra att du tar hand om dina grejor s att jag kan fylla skpen med mina grejor
    puss frn mum

  221. Hullo there Hanna,

    thanks for the birthday wishes, love your crosstitching! Used to do it when little myself. You are always into something! Great ATC, thanks for sharing..


  222. hi hanna! ive seen your comments on myra’s page and thought i should come check out a fellow hannah. your postcards are BEAUTIFUL!

  223. This is a nice spread. So much to look at and ponder. I love art journals.

  224. Fint som vanligt! Jag blir s? imponerad av allt pyssel du g?r och din f?rm?ga att fynda fina saker.

    Och s? undrar jag om det ?r okej att jag l?nkar till din blog fr?n min hemsida?


  225. That is so cute! There is not really a specific English word for that, other than tote (which just means a bag to carry things!) I love that fabric.

    I hope you are doing well, Hanna! :)

  226. Hanna,
    First thank you so much for your wonderful so wonderful atcs. I got them today. My envelope to you is sitting on my desk, without stamps, but ready to take to the postoffice. I am lazy these days, it is finally warm and it has made me a little lazy…sorry about that. Happy about finding your nice blog too. I like the little pouches for pencils, in English it is called a ‘pencil case’. Thanks again for you atcs they are really delightful!!!


  227. ?h! Det rosa pennskrinet ?r s? s?tt att jag tror jag svimmar! Snacka om fint! Verkligen!
    Hur g???r man!!?! :-)
    Du g?r s? fina saker!

  228. Paper back for me? Cool! Btw, do you know if I still have “?nglar bl?ser h?rt” at home? Puss!

  229. I just found your blog…what a wonderful place! I love all your vintage fabrics. and the die cuts are so neat! thanks for sharing all these wonderful things!!

  230. all the girls had them in norway as well! they are called “glansbilder” here. i have no idea if kids today still collect them, but i doubt it.

    i wonder what happened to mine …

  231. In Denmark we have them too… we call them “glansbilleder” almost like the Norwegians :) we used to trade with eachother…

  232. hello there! you have a great blog here! i enjoy looking at your many art projects =) that pencil case you made is soooo cute! and these postcards are wonderful. =) keep creating!

  233. I shipped your card out TODAY! (Sorry for the delay, just now had a chance to get to the post office.) Den kommer nog fram 4-5 dagar :)
    Kram/ Steph

  234. Hannah,
    this is coming at you with my bum wrist & fingers!

    Sorry the post office tore off part of the card–it was a quote from one of my past teachers:

    “Art is a metaphor for life.
    You learn to trust yourself,
    love yourself,
    and respect yourself.
    Make peace within,
    and life is a meaningful journey.
    Free Yourself,
    live an authentic life.”
    —-Sharon Kagan

  235. I am so totally and completely jealous…it looks like a fantastic swap and the items in it were fantastic! You did a wonderful job and measured up to some pretty great ones!

  236. So glad you got my card! It was done on the computer, I made it to look somewhat like fabric.. all of the cards have been wonderful! I’m thinking of starting a postcard swap soon too so check my blog periodically if you’re interested!

  237. Nice work.You really give us so much inspiration we have to try to do cards too.

  238. coola grejor. Det var kul att se alla korten, de ?r j?ttefina, men allra b?st ?r v?l i alla fall din grejor
    puss mamma

  239. Precis det d?r Regia garnet har jag liggandes p? lut till ett par sockar ?t min mamma. Nu fick jag ju se att det blir s? snyggt som jag hade hoppats p?. Perfekt! ;)

  240. Kul med uppdateringarna p? din boksida! Jag gillar verkligen “En ? i havet”-serien ocks?, men du verkar ha missat en bok? Det finns en som heter “Havets djup” ocks?. Vidare vill jag tipsa om att det finns en bok som bygger p? “Den allvarsamma leken” fast med omv?nt perspektiv, “F?r Lydia” av Gun-Britt Sundstr?m. Jag har inte l?st n?gon av dem sj?lv, men jag ?r nyfiken p? dem, s?rskilt nu n?r det talas s? mycket om Doktor Glas/Gregorius.

  241. I love Bloglines too. I have almost 200 subscriptions on there to keep an eye on what everyone is up to (you are on my list!)

    Another great site is . I think you would really like it over there, all DIY crafty things.

    Thank you for the links that you provided, I will look at them :)

  242. I don’t remember if I thanked you for your card or not! Did I tell you how much I love your card?? It was the first one I received and is definitely one of my favorites :o)

  243. So much goodies. Love the pastel rug. And this shelf is wonderful!You’re very capable to have brought everything home on your bike!

  244. Fin iPod!, jag har ocks? en rosa :)
    Kolla p? min blog, jag har stickat flera fodral till min efter en beskrivning p? n?tet…
    /Ingela, med nacksp?rr och stickf?rbud :(

  245. Ohoj! Kom ih?g att Luxemburg ligger precis p? gr?nsen mellan Tyskland och Frankrike! Vi har dessutom b?de kaffebryggare och balkong – och g?stsoffa om det kniper…

  246. That’s a great loppis article – ?h vad kul att f? strosa omkring en s?n i Sverige! Jag skulle nog kunna hitta massor av skatter :) Barndomsminnen som bara den.

  247. How fun! How can one ever be in the mood NOT to shop for stuff like this? And such devotion to carry it all home on your bike!

  248. Hi hanna! Great blog you have here and nice you swapped an ATC with rene who I’ve corresponded with for many years in the mail art network but in the 80’s I knew her as Pandora! She must have started mail art when she was about 5 as she looks so youthful!
    Yes, and what a great thing these video blogs are. I’m really hooked now I’ve sussed out how to do it! I’m sure Archie will be making more films too. Thanks for the nice comments!

  249. now it looks much better :) no, it looks really good!!
    how does one get a free trial issue of Interweave Knits?? Sounds too good to be true ;)

    have a nice day :)

  250. Hi, Hanna, yes, this was a fun project. I’m looking forward to the next one. It’s almost like having a class with homework (fun homework).

  251. Hi Hanna :) I like your new design in here a lot! Very pretty.

    I had some Barbie stamps similar to those when I was young–I stamped everything with them! How fun :)

  252. Hi hanna!!! got your comment on my ATC blog entry. I was in fact browsing _your_ blog to look for your ATCs when your comment came in.

    BTW, I got interested in ATCs partly because I saw you mention them on your blog :-)

    I see you love Totoro and Princess Mononoke, too! They’re two of my favorite films. Ok, I’ll go check out your Flickr album now :-)

  253. Hi again, Hanna. I have a question, where do you find people to swap ATCs with? Did you join an egroup for that? I’d love to know, I’m joining as many groups as I can so I can find new artists. Thanks for your help!

  254. Hej Hanna
    Skriver p? svenska… eftersom man k?nner sig mer exotisk s? h?r i det englandiska spr?ket ;-) Tusen tack f?r rara rader hemma hos mig & Rutan Knutan, vi ?lskar ju bes?k & kanske speciellt Norrl?ndska ;-) (sm?rar lite) Din blogg inneh?ll ofantligt mycket nyttigt & sev?rt & herrejisse vilken rackare p? engelska du ?r!
    Hoppas solen skiner i Ume & att sommaren inte ?r s? l?ngt, l?ngt borta…

    V?lkommen tillbaks till oss!

    Sommarh?lsning/ LISA & RUT

  255. wow! Swedish monopoly money….cool.
    I’ve been noticing the most interesting stuff at garage sales is often the children’s stuff. I found my mini-journal among children’s coloring books and I found a “Mummy Rummy” card game with beautiful Egyptian graphics. I almost hate to cut them up.

  256. Tack f?r en s?n rar och v?rmande komplimang :) !
    Mmm. Jag tror inte att jag ?r s? v?rst duktig p? att skriva, men jag skriver ?nd? :) Och tr?nar p? svenskan, fast d?r ligger nog massor av stavfel och uttryckskonstigheter !

    H?r har du minsann gjort det nytt och fint. Jag gillar verkligen hur du visar upp shoppingfynden och detaljerna i ditt pyssel. Inspirerande och helt enkelt ‘entertaining.’


  257. Hey, I am always glad to contribute to artistic addictions! I can’t go a day without using flickr myself. Glad you are enjoying the pro account. Thanks for sharing links to my site!

  258. I know I spend WAY too much time on Flickr, but it’s been good for my creative side. One of my contacts called Flickr “the new obsessive compulsive disorder”and there was a discussion on FlickrCentral called Flickr is Crack so you’re not alone! I had a week away from Flickr when I went to Big Bend Park and didn’t miss it too much but when I got back I was still addicted. July is almost here…hope you have a great vacation. Bring back photos!

    Postage from U.S. to Europe is supposed to be 87 cents for a 1-ounce envelope. Sometimes I use old stamps left over from childhood stamp-collecting so it adds up to more than 87.

  259. There is so much inspiration to be found via flickr – no matter what a persons skill or technique or interest! Vive flickr!

  260. Underbara frimärken! Jag har själv blivit “smittad” av tradera och köpt en hel del frimärken där.

    Jag har kollat på din sida hur många gånger som helst men kom på idag att jag har faktiskt aldrig lämnat någon kommentar. Jag gillar verkligen alla dina collage och trading cards. Jag håller själv på att grejja med ATC och lite annat smått och gott fast jag byter mest på

    Hur som helst…jag skulle lägga min röst på “the officer stamp” för det var så detaljrikt och vackert.

    Ha en härlig helg! :)

  261. I adore all your new stamps– saw them on Flickr. My faves are the red flowers and that comical crow. Stamps are one of my favorite collage elements too :)

  262. Hi, I’ve been enjoying your blog. It was fun reading about the different things you have posted. I think my favorite part was the flea market, but I liked it all. I was looking forward to seeing your crazy quilt things, but couldn’t find the photos. I have made crazy quilt items for years, but not as often now that I’m crazy about paper crafts like journaling and altered books. I found your blog from reading your letter to gluebooks.

  263. Kul att se att du gillar frimärkena! Hoppas du kommer över “ångesten” och helt enkelt vågar börja använda dom!

    Får man inte rösta på dom andra frimärkena? För min favorit ?är geten! Men av dom där 5 får jag väl välja kråkan.

    Ha det bra!

  264. Those are great amigurumi links! Elisabeth D.’s is such a find. I can’t wait to see your bear too.

    I’m loving the new look of your blog! :)

  265. Why would I wanna sit here and work when I could be at home cutting and pasting! This gluebook thing has got me paralyzed with intrigue. Tack tack tack for sharing your web discoveries :)

  266. Aloha and just let you know that i got through your site by Little Mochi..what a cute blog! I visited your blog and it have gallery of dolls that I would like to purchase ” the money” it’s so stinkin’ cute! If you sell them, link me there and see what you have..*Thanks*

  267. can you believe its finally summery? i thought it would never happen. e and i had margaritas outside last night after a long day of working out in the garden. happy happy!
    looks like the very adorable robin also had a fun and busy day! (holding the flowers = a great touch)
    excellent bag by the way.

  268. i love the crow bird stamp! it’s so cute! =)

    i’d probably arrange them all on a card and slip it into a plastic sleeve, and stick the sleeve on a page in my journal. that way, it’s sort of displayed, but i’d still be able to take them out and really look at them =) enjoy your stamps!

    — ian =)

  269. looks wonderful. what a photograph! i love the way the newsprint in the background is whitewashed so the image really pops out.

  270. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Although I don’t knit, I LOVE the color of these socks. Great inspiration for a color journal spread. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Angela in NV

  271. Vilka gottisar! Fina tyger!
    Och ja, stolen är jättefin som den är, men färgen är klumpigt påmålad och flagar så det sticks… Inget bra jobb. Blir finare med ny färg. :)

  272. What a lovely gift, I suddenly found myself wanting to make a doll when I saw those blue eyes. I also love your Regia socks. You are so creative, iHanna, your blog is inspiring!

  273. hanna, all your atc swaps are lovely! makes me want to try my hand, but i need to get some other projects done first. so nice to meet another hanna! i think they are great!

  274. Great! Lots of beautiful ATC’s! When I’m returning home I expect to find as much ATC’s in the mail too. It’s simply a great concept!

    By the way, I love your blog. Beautiful layout!

  275. yay!!! it got there safely. i’ve been worrying about it for days hahaha. glad you liked the stuff. til next time!

  276. I love your first card! I love this idea! I’ve just joined the flickr atc group and can’t wait to begin. This just may get me back into making art! Yay.

  277. I love looking at desks too. No face yet on my blog. Why? A little discomfort about my professional real life clashing right into my blog life. Not ready yet to reveal my thots on knitting and such to people I know in my professional real life. By the way I love the black and white print on your skirt. Hee hee, it is what I may wear on my days off but not in my professional real life! Haha I wonder whether I’m making sense!

  278. You look so pretty in your dress; that’s a wonderful design. Your desk looks so colorful, too. I have two desks because I want to keep the glue away from the computer. But it still seems like there’s not enough room!

  279. Love your new ATC’s! And that dress is wonderful. I love your desk photo too, it looks like a creativity factory.

  280. I would love to go to some Swedish flea markets! Problem: I might buy everything in sight ;)

    Your pictures here and the rest at flickr really capture the experience though, it’s like almost really being there in real life !

    Ha en underbar semester – ser fram emot en massa bilder sen. Kram!
    PS – you have mail!

  281. No way!! That is an amazing haul of stuff!! I am so jealous, I wish thrifting in Hawaii was like that!

  282. H?vdar best?mt att man f?r gilla rosa, fluff och gulliga figurer trots att man ska r?knas som vuxen. Gillade det inte som barn, men nu! Det finns ingen b?ttre f?rg, och n?stan allt jag k?per har rosam?nster eller fluff eller gulliga figurer. Och Hello Kitty ?r s?t…..

  283. Tror att om du gillar Totoro s? kommer du ?lska “Princess Mononoki” och “Spirited away”. Den sista ?r min absoluta favoritfilm, s? s?t och samtidigt otroligt djup. B?da tv? ?r “riktiga” sagor som de flesta m?nniskor med lite barnasinne ?lskar….

  284. Hanna, this is fabulous! Love the colors and composition, and especially the red marks –the perfect touch! You made great use of those lovely stamps. That should be a real keepsake!

  285. I think it’s wonderful! Very soft and sweet (I love birds, and this makes me want to hold the “babies”)!
    I’m going to have to do a grey page in my journal. Your creativity really inspires me!

  286. Hej hej!
    Har glömt att svara på din kommentar…
    Jag tror du klarar Clapotis, den är inte särskilt svår. Min är stickad i silkegarn som jag färgat själv.

    Den har gjorts i alla möjliga sorters garn….. välj ett som inte är luddigt bara, eftersom man ska tappa maskor.

  287. cute, i’ve been seeing these all over the place. what kind of croqueting needles do you use for something like this? i’ve learned how to knit a scarf in the past few months.

  288. what do i think? i think she’s adorable! and pink! love the ribbon around her tummy… maybe she needs a playmate?

  289. At first look I thought it was a bear, but now that I can see the whiskers it’s clearly a cat! Either way it is a cutie! :)

  290. I crocheted a shawl like this too in a pinkish purple acrylic last year. And I love your knitting in the sun photos – so cheery and that table is so chic! Mothers are the best!

  291. Oh, it’s lovely! Gorgeous colours and I really like the stylised way you have presented the crow – it’s really sweet. I like your blog too by the way – that cottage you stayed in recently looks so beautiful and idealic!

  292. I like your painting. Isn’t that a great feeling when you try to make something and it turns out?

    Also, wanted to mention that my grandma had one of those address things like you found at the flea market too. She lived in Ohio, USA. Small world, no?

  293. aawww it is SO CUTE!! I just love it :)
    almost every time I come here, I get inspired to try something new… really great!

  294. Neat book! My favorite page is the second one down with the rhino (?) and elephant (?) next to the piglet. Is there a pattern for these two? If so, I’d love to do a swap for a copy of it!

  295. This is terrific! Thanks so much for sharing inside your book. LOVE 70s crafts and the fabric prints of that era. I think I like that quilted leaf the best.

  296. i saw this card on mimi’s site and the minute i saw it i thought “that looks like hanna” and sure enough it was! i love this. and i know just what you mean about the square – i like that shape too. i started making cards in square shapes rather than rectangles and it felt so much better somehow.
    GREAT job. i especially love the black and white drawings…

  297. Hi Hanna,

    I have been wanting to try this, too. Tim Holz has more tips on distressing. I tried this with drops of food dye & watercolor on tissue paper. I didn’t get good results on plain paper. I don’t know if it’s practical for you to order from U.S. companies – the cheapest place I’ve found for the distress ink pads is Blockheads

  298. Så blir jag fortfarande så loppmarknadsinspirerad av dina inköp! Jag letar loppmarknad här i trakterna, men det går dåligt :-( Allt jag hittat till hittills har bara varit enstaka försäljare (dvs bara en person och inte flera) och urvalet tråkigt och priserna onödigt höga. Men jag letar vidare :-)

    Jo, förresten, får jag be dig om en sak? Jag ser att du har min bloggadress i din länklista, men den är under “In Swedish”. Jag skulle bli väldigt glad om du hade den under de andra (engelskspråkiga) bloggarna eftersom den ju inte är på svenska och det skulle vara kul om några engelskspråkiga hittade dit från din sida. Men det är förstås bara om du vill :-)

  299. I love arts and crafts days. I just posted on my blog about all the crafty things I want to accomplish this summer. Your site is lovely by the way.

  300. That is a lovely red bag. I like kid’s illustrated books very much too! If you can’t bear to cut them , you can photocopy them in colour (assuming that they’re old enough so that copyright would have lapsed) and use the photocopy for your collages. Have fun.

  301. I really like your distinction between seeking fame and finding kindered spirits. Part of the reason why I hover between having comments on my site and not is because some days I’d rather “publish” into a vacuum, than publish for feedback…

  302. I also think the kindred spirit search is the main reason people blog- it was certainly what got me started.

  303. Hanna,
    Thanks for visiting my site. I love this little bag. I’d love to make these as gifts. I think homemade gifts are the best, they’re from the heart. Thanks for directing me to your great blog. I might just stay awhile. :-)

  304. I agree, I started blogging in order to get in touch with kindred arts and crafty spirits. Having noone to share my enthusiasm with about these things in my own offline world (not to say that I don’t have friends, just that none are interested in the world of visual art or craft) I looked elsewhere for people to share with. The online craft blogging community was so fresh and innovative and I knew that I wanted to connect with these people – and I have! And it is so inspirational to have contact with people interested and enthusiastic about the same things that I am!

  305. hi hanna, nice to see you’re back.

    That wood piece may have been an old piece of type for some kind of a letterpress. Type was mostly cast in metal but occasionally larger pieces might be made of wood. That’s my theory, anyway.

  306. Oh man oh man!! This is soo where I’m at right now. These crazy quilted atcs ROCK! I’ll make you somethin’ to trade for #1 if you want :)

  307. Beautiful! I especially like the last one… :)

    Thank you very much for allowing us to be inspired by your stuff! I have started collaging again after reading your blog. :)

  308. I love the one with the sea otter (?) on it and the bird one, of course. Fabric scraps are wonderful.

  309. What great finds! This is the sort of stuff that always gets me in trouble. When I find things that I think I might never see again, then I have to buy them.

  310. These are just lovely. I must remember to try this when I have some free time.

  311. Oh, these atc’s are just lovely. I’d offer up a trade, but I haven’t made any atc’s in soooo long. You’ve inspired me though – I’ll have to start making some mini artworks again. They’re so satisfying aren’t they? And fun to trade too!

  312. What you should have been looking for is a marche aux puces. That’s a fleamarket. Literally. But you did find some good stuff. And great photography material, too.

  313. The bear is totally too cute with his little flowers and all.
    And: I think perhaps I’m sneaking out into the night to steal your mother’s ring. It’s absolutely irresistible. Does she live far from Oslo, Norway?

  314. Oh, your blue bear is very sweet – how tiny! I’ve always wanted to learn to crochet but have never got around to it. And yeah, those mugs are a lovely gift idea.

  315. I painted plates for relatives here in Germany when my son was about 1 1/2 years old that were very similar. It wasn’t easy with him but we had a lot of fun. I don’t know how they were received, never heard anything. What a shame-that’s how in-laws can be.

  316. Little Blue Bear is so sweet! How on earth did you crochet something so tiny! I love his face. And your ring is quite striking.

  317. These are really wonderful.
    I love the Chinese matchbooks and old labels…yum.
    If you scan them for downloads, please let me know! :)

  318. oh my goodness! i had a desk just like that blue one with all of my miniatures in the cubbies and my current obsessions on the top shelf…a trip down memory lane! i just love when home companion does inside the artist’s studio type articles…those are the best ones!

  319. ?h vad bra att allt kom fram – t?nk att jag har b?rjat samla mera sm?tt o gott till dig! Det ?r s? kul att skicka pysselpost :)
    Your outside balcony fika table looks perfectly perfect. So inviting and fresh. There isn’t much that beats a little sunny spot with a magazine and a cup of tea. Or coffee (!)

  320. Sommaren har varit bra och l?ng, men snart b?rjar det n?rma sig arbete igen!

    Har inte ens t?nkt p? att jag inte skrivit ut n?gon mailadress. Borde jag fixa. Min mail ?r iaf:

    Ja, gr?nt ?r sk?nt :) ?r f?r tillf?llet v?ldigt f?rtjust i gr?nt.

  321. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the compliment on Clapotis.

    As for looking at studio spaces, it is something I enjoy as well, especially since I don’t have a space of my own. Your little balcony table looks like a place I could inhabit, so welcoming.


  322. hi hanna,
    they are beautiful! i love all the different colours and textures – the one with the little butterfly is gorgeous…
    thanks for the inspiration, and also for visiting my blog :)
    suzy x.

  323. That is a very cute baby set, and your knitting looks wonderful. I really like that green :)

    Thanks for your comment on my cardigan. It was great to hear from you!

  324. I am hooked also! Too bad I don’t have an ipod – yet! Maybe for Christmas?? I have been watching so many vlogs too. I think it’s possible to add a podcast or vlog to iTunes, I need to check out the How To. Until then I’m listening on my earphones as I sit at my desk at work. Jag gillar verkligen Sommar serien – du ska veta att det ?r musik i mina ?ron att lyssna p? svenska ett par g?nger om dagen:)

    N?r b?rjar iHanna podcast serien?? ;)

  325. They are all so wonderful. You are very clever with the fabric ATC’s. Super idea and now I have a use for all the tiny scraps of fabric I never bare to throw away!

  326. Hi Hanna!

    Thanks a lot for the greeting on my blog! I have already a banner, but the guy managing the server is on holiday (I need access to the server). I will also move my blog to www. (hopefully this week).
    I really like your blog, I am checking every day for new updates!


  327. Hi Hanna!
    Thanks for your comments on my blog! I love your blog, too! You make so many nice things! Beautiful collages! And nice to know, I?m not the only one having to study, when the urge to create is so strong! I?ll write more later!
    Best wishes, Bea

  328. Loved what you wrote about treasure hunts…I totally agree:-) I love going out on weekends when I can to see what they have at the garage sales. You did great shopping! Looks like you got a lot of nice things. Love the pic of you with your new halter..the background of that photo where you live…gorgeous!

  329. Oooh! A shopping list ;)
    I looooove that bike! I have a nice bike, but it’s not white with pink flowers – although I did put a lot of flower stickers on it like any good 30-something mother of two should!

    Perhaps you could celebrate half-birthday? That would be in October, yes?!

  330. Tiff, 29 and a half year, oooooiii, I like that! I think I will! And I have a bike too, but not this one! hehe.

  331. Hello iHanna,

    I really like the idea of emptying ones whishes into a detailed whish list. I make lists all the time, lists with books I’d want to have on my book shelf, good personality qualities I’d like to accuire, things I’d like to accomplish in my life etc etc. It’s half-way to fullfilling ones dreams ;o)

    Regards, mamatherapy

  332. It’s fun to write wishlists! I love somerset studio magazines, they’re so beautiful aren’t they? I can find them here only in Borders, but I don’t like to shop there because I want to support all of the little independent bookstores. For Somerset though I just have to go there and then pay the ludicrous international shipping price on top of the magazine cost, ick! It’s worth it though because it is such a beautiful magazine.

    That bike is so cute. And I know what you mean about Artfest – it sounds like marvellous fun.

  333. Oooh, I love your list. Reading it was like a scavenger hunt–clicking on the links and seeing all sorts of drool-worthy, artsy goodies. What a great idea.

  334. too much fun! All your cards looks so wonderful all together like that. Glad you liked the butterfly card- I wanted to send you something you could reuse for collage :-)

  335. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks for stopping by at wishthimble…glad I found your site – it’s fantastic! Another great place to add to my long list…
    Best, Fran

  336. Gorgeous gorgeous orchid! I love them but they never flower for me. Loved the postcards too!

  337. What a lovely Phalaenopsis! It must be wonderful to have such a nice dad who treats you with orchids!

  338. Oh, I love orchids! I always wanted to have one! But I don?t know where to place them, as they don?t like direct sunlight, right?

  339. Tack! Jag har faktiskt dig i min lista p? favoriter… Din artjournal inspirerade mig till att b?rja med min en g?ng i tiden. /Fillan

  340. I was fascinated by your description of the different notebooks and journals you have! You sound like you really stay open to new ideas and sources of inspiration…and you’re ready to capture them, either in words or pictures. I like the effect you got with the water soluble pastels for you IF submission. I just purchased a new box of 60 Faber-Castell watercolor pencils, and I’m planning on using them today. Fun! I browesed through some of your collage and watercolor work…it looks lovely. I’m looking forward to taking the time to look at more :>


  341. Interesting. Even the photo looks good. I’d just throw everything into a pile and snap a picture and leave it like that for a few weeks. Eventually, I would use everything in the pile at a later date and it’ll clean itself out of necessity. You’re very organized and I admire that.

  342. Well Jerry, I don’t know about beeing organaized. I had to do some digging to find all these books, and the #9 seemed to be lost forever before I found under a pile of paper. :-)

  343. I LOVED this last post. Love a sneak peak at someone elses stack of notebooks. Your descriptions were so interesting–I totally have a big blank notebook with thick pages, that I can’t seem to write in because there’s so much pressure to make it good. I like my cheap drug-store notebooks best–the kind I can cover with a collage, and give up half way through if I fancy to. It’s so fun reading your posts by the way–I share your appreciation for all things arty.

  344. That’s a lot of nice notebooks. I like that you wrote something about each of them. The illustration friday picture is sweet too – I like the effect of the text around the drawing.

    Thanks for the nice comments in my blog. Looks like we’re neighbours, I live in Norway.

  345. Hee, hee! I nearly bought that Mini Traveller notebook, too! But then I remembered that I have to watch my spending… Did you see the new notebook I got yesterday? I started to collage in it today, but havn?t been in the right mood! How?s your essay going, by the way? And before I forget: Welcome to Studio Friday!

  346. Hello Hanna! It great to read about notebooks as cherished, appreciated things! I thought it was just me who had a love of fresh new notebooks but I’m finding a lot of bloggers who share the same feelings! And the French certainly have a way with lovely stationery.
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog the other day! It was lovely to hear from you! I’m kind of new to blogging but am already addicted. I am loving looking at your website- it’s so beautiful and organized. I will return for more reading! Thank you!

  347. Oooh Hanna, I loove that you even numbered your journals, great photos, too! Awesome!!
    I love your blog design, it looks really great!
    So great that you also have a ‘teNeues’ journal, they are cool, aren’t they? Mine is almost full as well. I liked that it had blank pages. I had written in 2 with lined paper before so it was nice for a change and felt like ‘freedom’ somehow, hahaha!
    I should try to find another blank one I guess. I like number 9 a lot. It looks so loved ;-) And it looks as if it has a very soft feel to it and is very bendable. Intriguing because I don’t like stiff books too much but can’t seem to find those soft ones anywhere really.


  348. i dig, dig, dig it. i think i like (what looks like dark green) the splotches of alternative color all over it, like the darkness attempting to creep in. but it doesn’t look like the darkness is bad, something to be afraid of. and yet, she is ….

    thought provoking for me this saturday!

  349. Jag har ett likadant tidningställ! Fast i köket. En likadan (faktiskt exakt) vattenspruta också… inköpt i Ullared. :) Jag har två då’ra, men en har pajjat redan. Hoppas din håller bättre, för de är fina!

  350. Wow, I’m so impressed! He’s one of the cutest bears I’ve ever seen. My bear that my mom made me 26 years ago is still number one, but James here comes in a good second place! :)

  351. Just bought the Jul-Aug copy of the Somerset Studio magazine today, the bold black letters at the top, “FREE Artists’ Papers and Clip Art Pages” got my attention. Oh. My. Goodness. J?sses mig. Det finns s? mycket i den- alldeles i din stil!

  352. i like the composition of the notebooks.. i’m quite envious of the diversity of the notebooks you are using.. i’ve been using the same size – same coloured notebooks after notebooks for years now.. maybe i should change this habit :)

  353. Another interesting post on your blog, Hanna!
    I have made a link to you blog on my site.

    Kind regards,

  354. Can’t wait to find some time to check out those links!

    Hanna, I’ve loved reading your blog and looking at all of your creative pieces! From knitting to journaling….gotta love it!

  355. Hej,
    j?ttekul att du vill vara med i min craft challenge! Jag hittade inte din mejladress, men om du skickar mig din (post)adress s? skickar jag ett materialpaket :-)
    astrud242004 (at)

  356. Fantastic linkage, Hanna! PS I tagged you for “5 idiosyncrasies” (see my site)– have you had this one yet?

  357. Hi Hanna, great that you have decided to hop on the studio friday train :-) You have a great selection of notebooks/sketchbooks! I like reading about how you are planing to use them or are using them.

  358. Great links! Thank you for sharing. I love this kind of stuff. I alter books too but find them diffficult to photograph because of the glass I use (like a frame) but picture this: I cut into the center of these books, like a box cut out and I then use these cut outs to make little books, I have some pictures of these at my journal (typepad). The rest of the book I use as a box for assemblage. I’ll have to figure out how-to photograph these.

  359. Ooooh thank you so much for this awesome list. (I love lists) This one has so many great links, yummy inspiration for mixed media! You are fantastic. :) And I’ve definitely linked you.

  360. oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I must say thank you! I’ve been a little dry lately and these two posts are just inspiring me like mad. I’ve had the Artist Way on my shelf for years… I think I’m going to read it.
    You basically rock, I love coming and peeking in your window.

  361. Hanna, I don’t know how you have time to search out all these websites, but so many of them are real gems. I just had to order a copy of “Tub Legs” when I saw it, so am waiting anxiously for it. Thank you for posting these links and I hope school is great for you!

    Someone gave me a copy of “The Artist’s Way” a few years back & I just couldn’t make it work. I know half a dozen people who have told me the same thing. The first few chapters were worthwhile but overall I think I am put off by Cameron’s language. While it gets a lesser rating on, the book that I’ve always considered to be “my muse” is Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. It’s a slim volume that speaks volumes!

  362. En av de l?rare jag hade n?r jag l?ste svenska pratade om att skriva p? morgonen, han var helt fr?lst p? det. Hade d? kanske h?llit p? i en tre m?nader eller s?. Han tyckte det var s? nyttigt, sp?nnande och n?stan lite som typ meditation eller hur jag ska s?ga. Yoga kanske. Iaf som jag tolkade honom n?r han ber?ttade om detta.

  363. What an empowering article. Morning is an important time. I have been writting to. But not three pages :)
    I think I will have to check out her book. Thank you for your increadble site.

  364. What a great entry! However, I’d have to argue (lately anyways) that the most important thing for an artist is not writing but having ones children sleep in until those morning pages are done being written :)

  365. Hurra Hurra Hurra! Heja kreativa ide?r.
    One of my faves:
    – Danny Gregory. Here is a neat list.
    I agree – Keri has put a lot out there to inspire.

  366. I really need to learn how to do this myself. There is a real technical side to sewing huh? Unfortunately I shy away from most things technical. But I guess it is a matter of just sitting down and learning to do it – the second time is always easier. Pretty buttons by the way!

  367. hi hanna,
    thanks so much for visiting my site! i’m so glad you left a couple of comments so i could find your little corner of the world over here. i have been a couple of times but i don’t think i’ve left a comment. i think i started to once and then my computer froze. : P

    your blog is absolutely wonderful! i love all of the links and pictures! this entry about sparking one’s creativity is great. i have tried to find keri’s book at the library but no luck. :( i guess i’ll just have to break down and buy it. (you are soooo lucky you found that cool book at the thrift shop!)

  368. those are so great. i don’t know much about atc’s but it looks like you got a whole bunch of pretty mail!

  369. ok, now i see why your first comment on my blog was for my entry about things i bought at the thrift store…you are obviously as obsessed as i am about rummaging through heaps of garbage just to find a few treasures. isn’t it soooo much fun???

    i love the halter-top you found. it’s cute!

  370. Felicia is the sweetest thing! And what a lucky girl you are to get such a nice surprise in the mail. I am just heartbroken for Theresa and her family. Why must these things happen to good people or anyone for that matter?

  371. My heart goes out to Theresa! So sad! And look what great treasures she sent you! An old Beatrix Potter Book!

  372. so comfy and beautiful! i’ve got to make some sandwich now-you’ve got a yummy looking sandwich on your table!

  373. I love your balcony, it looks so perfect and dreamy… you couldn’t of said this better, I think you absolutely need to step outside the clutter of everyday life to be inspired or just simply be. :)

    That was so funny, I clicked on the porch to see… and realized “hey that’s mine”, you’re so sweet!

    p.s. ( just in case you missed it) I left a little note for you about the Dover books on my blog comments yesterday too.

  374. Oh wow, I looooove it!! What an awesome space to be sat in, wow!! I love your chair and cushions, so gorgeous, sigh!
    I think I’d never leave again if I was so lucky to have this fantastic balcony…. :-)
    What a space for collecting ideas and reading and relaxing. Fantastic!

  375. carla pott said…
    Nice work you have here.
    I’ve seen your nice comment to my illustration at I.F. and came for a visit to say hello and…I could see some people are having problems connecting that illustration with reflection…;-).
    But I don’t believe that illustrating reflection should be done in a way which represents something of very deep meditation.Reflection can be about stoping for simple things.I seldom have time to stop and think about everything…Illustration doesn?t need always to be obvious, it can just try to pass a feeling.
    When I did that illustration it was really in a time of reflection, though it was made for a magazine,and that’s why it has that meaning for me.
    Now I will stroll around your blog :-) greetings from Lisbon

  376. I’m SO jealous of this space! Although I’d probably have difficulty leaving it to actually create something! It’s actually a work of art in and of itself–really beautiful!

  377. It’s good to see that someone else is as abig a notebook freak as I am. What IS it about these things–they’re addictive. As are the art supplies. And pens–lots and lots of pens. It’s a disease, I think. :-)

  378. I just love the little haven you’ve created for yourself on your balcony! What a perfect place to regroup and have some ‘me’ time.

  379. Those are lovely colors, Hanna! I am really into sock knitting right now. So, why no blog reading for a week?

    See you later~

  380. I totally hear you on taking a break from reading–esp. other blogs. It can be very decieving how much time I spend doing that in a day! One thing I’ve done this summer is not watched any tv at all. I attribute my increased creativity to that–to the lack of images passively imprinting themselves on my mind. As my husband put it, before it was hard to recall when I’d done art or written two days in a row, now it’s hard to recall two days in a row when I haven’t. LOVE the sock yarn. I sooo want to start knitting, but I’m terrified I’ll be horrible at it. Any ideas as to where I should start?

  381. I love your balcony! It looks like the perfect place to be when the sun comes out! Beautiful quilt and cushion, too!

  382. That’s a really good idea. I should start a paper journal. I think I’m going to be bad to it because I will forget. I also like quotes printed on paper in my house. I have some quotes in my bathroom framed on the walls.

  383. I really love this idea – thanks so much! I already have a collection of quotes so it will be a great way to visit them more often :D

  384. Although these are not my color either, I still like them! Beautiful yarn! I?m nearly done with the zebra socks, but I don?t like them all too much. Well…. but I have new sock ideas already in my head! I had to stop myself from buying new yarn, when I went shopping on monday. Want to reduce my stash first…

  385. OK. Enough is enough. I need to get a creativ journal. I am inspired. I will see if I can get one today, that would be nice. Thanks for all inspiration!

  386. I have used that quote page before to paint quotes on my painted furniture….my customers always loved it! Sometimes I will do lines to songs that I find inspirational as well!

    I know what you mean about the blog reading….it soaks up a lot of time….sometimes I only allow myself only one early morning a week to surf!

    MAN….I’ve got to finish knitting this tank top….summer’s almost gone! BAAAHHH!

  387. OH….I DID mention you this week in my blog….hoping the Collective Souls will find inspiration from your work!

  388. oh wow* i love the tweed theme, a small fashion obsession of mine, i guess because i feel more at home at the library? very neat. collaging is meds for the soul! :D

  389. What awesome links you’ve compiled! I had fun checking each of them out. I feel honored that you linked me as well! :) Thank you.

  390. Oh, I can’t see the first one, but the second one is great. I haven’t done anything in my art journal for so, so long, which is ok as I obviously haven’t been in the mood. But you’ve inspired me to pull it out and at least flick through it. While you’re thinking of Autumn, in the southern hemisphere we’re getting ready for spring – both beautiful times of the year!

  391. Your cookie tray is charming and the flower is so delicate. I’ve never heard of it before. It looks very whimsical to me, as if it came from a small girl’s imagination :).

  392. I can’t see the first page either. The second is sweet, reminding me of tradition. Doesn’t Summer last until October? I have noticed fall to thought I was crazy.

  393. those cinnamon rolls look so delicious.

    Everything looks wonderful, I wish we had more of an autumn season here, I love the colors… it’s not as wonderful in California as on the east coast.

  394. I like the baking, too. And the blueberry, and the flowers and…oh, I can’t choose!

  395. It’s hard to choose they are all so wonderful but I think I like the fushia flower and the autumn leaf the best!

  396. I love all of the pictures, but the cinnamon rolls probably are at the top of the list… Now I need to go make some. Thanks for the inspiration.

  397. Oh, that food looks yummy! I love to cook, but unfortuneately haven’t found the same passion for baking – I’m really impressed by bakers! And those flowers are gorgeous.

  398. I love the picture of the red berries, and also the cinnamon rolls; they are making me hungry!
    No autumn colours here in Japan yet, but I’m looking forward to them. When the Japanese maple trees go red they look spectacular, I’ll have to post some pictures.

  399. so beautiful pictures! I can literally smell it all, it’s like my grandmothers kitchen when I was younger (she doesn’t bake anymore)! what a luck I bake myself ;)
    do you make lingonsylt? Every time I go to Sweden, I have to buy a big pack of it for my porridge :D

    hugs Elisabeth

  400. Hi Hanna,

    …do you have a recipy ( or however you spell it;-) ) for the cinnamon rolls??? I have been after this for ages…….!!! I would be very happy if you could give it to me…..!!!!



  401. 31th of august: the first art journal picture had a wrong file name, now changed! Hope it is visible to you all now. :-)

    Thanks for commenting everyone!

  402. OhMygod. That is SOOOOO beatiful!
    I?m most def no art connoisseur, but I lovelovelove Lady with dreams of becoming a star.
    Just go girl! Beautify the world with your smart and pretty art!

  403. Hi Hanna-

    Thanks for the picture advice. One of my new students, Victor, just so happens to be a web genius. I told him about my pic problem and your suggestion. He said he would help me! Yipee. And he said he would help with changing my theme and putting a little more personality into the site.

    I love your cookie picture- it looks so warm and bright. I just made chocolate chip cookies tonight. Yum.

    Thanks again-


  404. Tell him it’s great, I really love this and it looks really nice next to your heart clock. You’re so lucky that your honey is artistic!

  405. First off, I’m so inspired that you got your guy to paint! It sounds like such a fun time–the two of you at the kitchen table. And secondly, the pictures of things that smell good–what a COOL idea. It’s such a fun way to reinterpret something that is usually so mono-sensory. I’m continually inspired by visiting your site. :)

  406. I’m willing to pay a lot of money fot that amazing painting! Please tell your boyfriend to get in contact with me as soon as possible!

    /Art C.

  407. That is COOL! Showed it to Fred, my finac?, and this is really his cup of tea. I guess there will be a new painter in the house this weekend! (And it’s not me…)

  408. I am not to modern myself but that looks down right fun I think I will have to try. thanks for the inspire.

  409. Your favorite tool makes me smile. I just finished two glue sticks and still have to buy new ones. My favorite glues? UHU and Pritt. best quality. Your quilt sounds interesting…I will have a browse around your site…will you show us a photo when the quilt is finished? What a great project. If one could glue a quilt as opposed to sew it I’d be all in for it, hahaha! :-)

  410. Tine, for sure I’m gonna show the baby quilt with all it’s gloryful misstakes here. It’s a baby quilt and it’s taking me for ever to make. But soon, I promise!

  411. Unfair! We don’t even have a spot of autumn here in Stockholm yet! It’s summer green and 20 degrees out! I’m suffocating!

  412. I think my favorite tool is my brain, too! And I actually thought about writing about it, too! But I didn?t and now that I read that in your entry, I had to laugh out loud! Great! And hooray for glue sticks!

  413. Hihi, I also use lots and lots of gluesticks, I buy them six at the time… I’m glad I’m not the only glue-addict here… :))

  414. I just bought some sepia-toned decoupage and used it last night to “age” some photos for a collage-very cool new tool. One of my favorite tools recently are these rubber alphabet stamps that you can either use a stamp pad to use or apply paint on them directly. I have used rubber cement for ages, but am now thinking of switching over to something less messy and acid free.

  415. Glue is great. I should run out and buy a bunch of glue sticks, because it seems like I never have one when I need it.

  416. Hi hanna, thanks for the nice comments onour Scrapiteria blog. I thought I would pop over and write one here. hey, your Pritt Sticks are a different colour to ours in the U.K. which are white! I use them all the time so i suppose they are my favourite tool too and the nice scissors that Angelica sent me from Texas.

  417. Great collage.What came to mind was the standards by which women always feel the need to judge themselves by. I love the texture too–with they layered paper.

  418. i am glue stick lover. i use UHU and anything that can stick my work perfectly. nice site you’ve got here.

  419. I love this collage. Reminds me of myself on some days, when I can smile through all the clutter and energy (good and bad) that surrounds me. Is she smiling just to keep from screaming ?

  420. The collage is great – love the warm colours. I went to the violet magazine site and read the editors notes and it sounds really really cool! Love how you recycled the old vest too. You’re so clever!

  421. I saved this sweater altering to my favorites. I loved the gloves you made. I’m going to try to make some. I found some alphabet stamps on Tattered Circus you might like and posted them on my blog. They are really ornate though. Every Sunday night when I walk my dog I check out all the “trash” people leave behind. Since we had a holiday, Labor Day, on Monday, last night there was a lot of trash on the street. And I found tons of crafting stuff, including two sets of alphabet stamps and tons of other cool stuff (6 packages of sequins, one bag of feathers, plastic tracing templates and tons of rubber stamps). It was a teacher throwing out her stuff because I found some grade books etc. Perhaps she had enough with her hoodlums. :) Let me know if you want one of the stamp sets and I’ll send it to you. I don’t need three sets! I figured out the pictures on my site! Whew. Thanks for your help.

  422. That’s cool! I think it’s fun painting my own versions of ‘famous’ artists’ works. It’s evem how many famous artists began themselves – by copying the ‘old masters!’

    And what a special touch – a flower in a vase by the bedside :)

  423. Very creative !!

    Just now I am busy thinking about having a bag with my own style like yours :)

  424. I thought you said you weren’t a fan of Modiran…but did a darn fine interpretation of him here. Very girly. Delicate. And somehow intriguing.

  425. i have the book “second time cool” and it is so brilliant! it’s jampacked with so many great ideas and inspiration. i had no idea it was published in swedish too.

  426. Ooooh, what a great creative nap that baby will have!! It looks gorgeous, such a pretty quilt!!!! Wow, I am in awe, hanna :-) It looks absolutely perfect to me!! WOW!

  427. What a beautiful, thoughtful gift for a new baby. I’m sure it will be treasured… and after baby quilts are outgrown they make great wall hangings.

  428. Great job! Maybe it will be the beginning of a whole new passion and the reason for collecting tons more fabric… hmm, sounds like fun!

  429. This is so cute. I’ve been interested in quilts lately, been reading too many Japanese magazines.

  430. jättefin! jag hade tänkt göra ett täckte till lilla thea, systerdottern, men har inte fått tummarna loss än … så tack för inspirationen! :^)

  431. Thank you for posting this! Your contribution is so beautiful! You’re very talented my friend! :)

  432. My favorite searches on ebay lately are: celluloid charms and vintage wedge shoes…quite a mix there. Thanks for the blog comment. I love the collage. I’ll look for the book between bidding on 1970s footware Boston is a great place-so much to do on a daily basis and so much I haven’t explored. Oh, I put together your package and will be sending some time next week! :)

  433. Stickpausar! Det vore n?t det! Folk tar ju r?kpausar mest hela tiden, man borde f? ha stickpaus ist?llet! Mycket mer h?lsosamt. :)

    Vilket j?ttefint bebist?cke! Blir nog j?ttepoppis. :)

  434. I am a Shabby Chic fanatic, and I’m so happy to have found a blog for Shabby Chic. We are on a very limited budget, but I am crazy about Rachel Ashwell’s fabrics. Does anyone have suggestions on where I could fine designs similar to hers but more affordable? I especially like her ultra-faded florals.

    I could talk about Shabby Chic for hours and hours if I could find someone else with the same fervor……….

  435. i don’t even know where to begin complimenting you on this assemblage hanna. it’s just perfect! i suppose my favorite part would have to be the bird (of course! i’m obsessed…) i especially like how he has been cut out, and the background he’s on. magnificent job!! :)

  436. Den blev ju jättefin, du är jätteduktig. Ett veck här eller där gör väl inget. Hörnen har du fått mycket fina och att du sydde kanten för hand på baksidan är ju ett stort plus. Fortsätt i den andan.
    kram mamma

  437. you inspired me to make another quilt. I helped my friend once make a quilt. Had no idea what I was doing, but its still turned out kinda cute.

  438. I’m going to make a collage this weekend with the theme of people who make me mad….use it as an outlet. :) I love this one Hanna.

  439. Love the pictures-such vibrancy in color and composition. You can call me Mel, Hanna. I give you permission. :) I just got done (5 minutes ago. I’m hiding out in my office) showing my students some photographs by Friedlander. He has an exhibit at the MOMA in NYC. Google him and check it out. He is known for his multiple perspectives-taking a picture from the inside of his car and framing it through the car window. He is also known for the layering in his photos. One picture is of two people taking a picture of Mount Rushmore but the monument is reflected in the windows behind the picture-taking couple. Very cool stuff. We had ten minutes today to fill after a Current Events class, so I took them to the classroom and showed them his photos. Thanks for the encouraging words.

  440. Hanna,

    I looove the color of your kitchen. So warm and cozy. I wished I had color on our walls in the house but we haven’t had the guts yet to paint them ourselves.
    I love how you hung the frame just in the center of the bordering line. just perfect designwise!! Your little bouquet of clover leafs is sooo gorgeous. The perfect finishing touch :-)

  441. I especially love the picture of the growing coffee beans. Coffee is my new obsession and I am learning os much about it lately.

  442. Good for you on the healthy recipe experimentation! I am also mucho inspired by that fabulous tablecloth– nice table setting :)

  443. Beautiful photos!! Great art for on the kitchen wall. I also like to put food like pasta, dried tomato’s etc. in glas jars on a shelve in my kitchen.

  444. I love how you’ve made the best of your kitchen even though there are things you don’t like about it (but I must say that I just love your orange walls and am planning on painting my kitchen a similar color soon!)

    Those are wonderful photos — so crisp and fresh looking!