Postcard Swap FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions you might have or want to ask before the swap starts, when you’re creating your own DIY Post Cards – and then when you’re waiting for and receiving postcards. Do you have a question that is not answered on this page, feel free to contact me!
Are you saying to yourself right now: I did sign up, but never heard from Hanna, the hostess of this swap. Where are my 10 addresses?
I’m sorry you have to ask that!
Here’s what I think: This is an e-mail/service provider problem I am encountering over and over again. I can assure you that if you paid and added your address into the form, and it is now after the date I state I?ll contact you, I have sent you your addresses by now. I promise!
I can see it in my own “sent folder”.
SO what to do? First, check your SPAM folder. Then check your other e-mail account, if you have one. Maybe that?s the one you gave me? If you can not find it, let me know via the contact form on my page but state another e-mail address. If you can?t see my first e-mail, which is sent from this domain, then you probably won?t get my reply to you even when that’s what you are requesting.
I?ll try to help as best I can from here. I will e-mail the list to your work, to your spouse, to a friend if you alert me to this problem ? I really want you to get your addresses in time, that’s why I’m here.
I re-send lists all the time because of this problem. You can also contact me through my Facebook page if all else fails, but sometimes I do not notice those messages for a while. Maybe instagram is better but I do prefer it via e-mail if at all possible.
Thanks for understanding and helping me out.
Here’s a common conversation, screen shot from private messages on Instagram, from the last swap round:

Other issues I’ve had with participants not getting their list via e-mail is that they themselves did not add in their e-mail correctly in the form, or they added in an e-mail address they rarely check and then forget which one they used for the swap.
Thanks for being so understanding on e-mail/tech issues I have no control over.
This page is part of the Postcard Swap FAQ
Do you have a question that is not answered on this page, feel free to contact me!