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Note to self: Shake things up

Note to self: Shake things up

Observe constantly that all things take place by change, and accustom thyself to consider that the nature of the Universe loves nothing so much as to change the things which are, and to make new things like them. Marcus Aurelius As with everything I think it’s important to not do “the same” all the time. […]

Writing a letter

Writing a letter

I got stacks of letters that I got when I was younger, maybe from my teens until I was 20 or so? I used to put a lot of effort into writing letters when I was at that age, maybe because it was the time before Internet and e-mail? It makes me feel rather old […]

Love Acrylic Paint Markers

Love Acrylic Paint Markers

I have started a new adventure this autumn, and it’s taking some of my mental space to digest everything about it. I won’t reveal what it is just yet, but if something comes of it I’ll let you guys know of course! And if I’m not here, know that I am elsewhere being creative. In […]

Index Cards | ICAD continued in July

Index Cards | ICAD continued in July

My pile of finished index cards of the year is growing. I’m keeping them together on my desk with a rubber band for now. They record the summer days passing (all too quickly) in a hot fury. I’m grateful to be able to take the time to create them, to have the joy of creating […]