Create 365 somethings in 2025

As I have previously alluded to I have been thinking about doing another creative 365 project next year, and now I have decided to go ahead with it. Consider this my official announcement – and your invitation to join me!

First I will let you know what my personal plan is, then I’ll invite you in and let you know how you could join in different ways and maybe tackle a similar creative project. I have a feeling it will be a blast and a very, very creative year.

I’ll be doing collages, square collages. I love squares, I love collage, and I love my collection of bits of paper that constitutes my stash. I will use found papers, pretty patterned papers, printed papers, mark making, maybe some acrylic paint when needed and a glue stick to compose little square compositions and I will aim to post weekly on the blog, sharing 7 finished art pieces. That’s what I did in 2013 and 2018 when I successfully finished 365 collages in a year so I know that it can work for me.

Join the project 365 somethings in 2025 with iHanna and Tammy of DaisyYellow #365somethings2025
Join the project 365 somethings in 2025 with Hanna and Tammy of DaisyYellow #365somethings2025

I will not be aiming for daily creating, as it does not work great for the way I work and how my brain functions. If I were to create one collage and then had to get up and do something else, I’d derail myself quite quickly I think. I want to get into the zone of creativity with this. When I sit down and bring out my box of scraps I want to create a few collages at once and hopefully find a creative flow for an hour or more. So that is how I will be creating, contrary to how most of these projects are presented online: do one thing every day for a week, a busy month, for 100 days or a year. If that works for you, go ahead and create daily, it sounds lovely to me. I just know it’s not for me. So I aim at 7 finished collages each week and I hope I can keep up with it all through the year.

Teaming up with me once again is the wonderful and prolific Tammy of the blog DaisyYellow, which made me do a happy dance! It feels good to do this project with a friend, even though it will be long-distance and through our blogs. I didn’t want to go ahead and start this alone, so I asked Tammy to join me again. She will tackle the project in smaller chunks this time, a 365 with a twist that we call Fractional 365 Somethings – I love this idea and that name!

The Dream Team: Hanna and Tammy can be found online:
★ Tammy: instagram + bluesky + blog + Ko-Fi tip jar
★ Hanna: instagram + bluesky + blog + Ko-Fi tip jar

We will be posting mostly on our blogs, but we’re also (still) on instagram and brand spankin’ new to the twitter-like platform BlueSky, finding our way through the lovely feeling of newness and community that seams to already be going over there (come join us!).

We’re just two creatives in opposite ends of the globe, trying to fit creativity into our days – so we’d love to have you join us as well! You have several options when joining us this time. For example:

  • Follow along and cheer us on all year! We will need some comments, some encouragement and some feedback through the year and even if you don’t want to commit to doing something 365 you could do this weekly all year. That would be so kind of you. Subscribe to my blog to get the weekly updates for example. Re-tweet or pin our graphics, link to this invitation. Be our friend. Low investment, high impact goal, right?
  • Create 365 somethings – art, craft, journal pages, paintings, little polymer clay figurines, stitches, DIY postcards, granny squares, EPP hexagons, doodles, photography, writing a poem – whatever you love the most and want to commit to for a whole year, this is what you should do! And this year is the time to do it. You will never have “more time” for the things you love, in fact, time is running out… I choose collage because it is something I know well, already love doing and want to keep working with, so it “fits me”. What creative practice fits for your and within your year?
  • Create fractional 365 somethings – start in January and do collages for the entire month, and at the end of the month decide if you want to keep creating collages (or what ever it is that is your “something”) or switch it up then, by doing ink or watercolor or junk journaling in February, and so on for the entire year. Keep going all year or:
  • Jump in with a fractional part of 365 when and if it fits your needs in time and space. That is, if you can’t start in January start on what ever month works for you! As Tammy put it, “we’re adding a variation but not changing the original” of 365 somethings that was the original name and idea, and that still has people joining every year since 2013 using the hashtag #365somethingsYEAR and that will be #365somethings2025 what ever variation you choose, fractional or whole.

Those are the options/ideas I want you to consider today. Ponder it, journal about it, write a blog post about it – then commit, leave me your comment below so I can come find you – and let’s do it together. It will be lots of fun!

Borrow one of these graphics below, if you want to share the project on social media or your blog, link it back to this blog post or Tammy’s or both. Or Pin them to Pinterest:

If you haven’t already, now click over to read Tammy’s blog post 365 Somethings Project With a Twist where she explains her twist and our idea better than I can:

Tammy explains the 365 project where we will create Somethings Project With a Twist in 2025
Tammy explains the 365 project where we will create “something creative” with a twist in 2025 – join us for a very creative year.

Let me know in the comments if this is something you feel called to do, or will consider – or what your 2025 plans are? How will you share your progress (if you want to do that online) and what medium will you choose (one or several).

If you will share this idea on a blog like I will, I want to follow you. If you’re on instagram (where I am less and less these days) will you be sharing daily or weekly updates there? You could also pin images to the Pinterest board we set up for that purpose way back, so we can gather inspiration and project ideas there. If you’re on BlueSky (and if not, sign up and follow along there!) you could share daily on there (oh how fun that would be – because then we could all see what you create since it is actually possible to follow hashtags there, which we can’t do or even properly use anymore on instagram!).

I am longing to get started with collage and I have been for quite a while, so I feel like this project is the right fit for me.

I have not been very creative this year, so a project like this will help push me along and make sure I sit at my art table more often, which I want desperately. I’d love it if this idea of dailyish art encourages you to commit to creating more in 2025 as well.

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10 Responses

  1. I tried the 365 project one year and it kept morphing as new ideas came along so the Fractional approach will work better for me. I am in – we shall see how I do. You two ladies are SO inspiring!!!

    • Oh yay, that sounds really great Julie! I already follow your blog so that’s great. I can’t wait to get started and hope you will share more about your ideas/plan for the year soon.

      • I’ve never done a 365-day project, but I did do a 100-day project, and it was so stressful for me. However, after re-reading your post and Tami’s post, I think this method is a lot more manageable. I’d love to take an easy approach and do 365 doodles in my sketchbook. I have the cutest little square sketchbook that I can’t seem to “ruin” by drawing in it – so maybe I’ll use it.

  2. I’m enthusiastic about following along with your project though not sure at this point if I could commit to doing one of my own for 365 days. Probably the only thing I could do to achieve that is maybe journalling, or blog posting. ow that I could probably get behind.

    I’ll have to think about this one.

  3. I am definitely leaning towards participating. It was good to read your post and Tammy’s too. :0) I did a 365 project in 2018 (with you & Tammy) and also in 2019. I think the fractional approach would work best for me… and I have an idea for January, so that’s good. It’s a simple project, adding to a journal I made with gel prints. I love it but it doesn’t seem finished and I made it in 2019!

    Actually, just committing to a month would keep me dipping into that creative zone…
    Thank you for writing about this project. :o)

  4. Oh I had no idea you are doing this project in 2025. I am so late in catching up.
    But somehow the universe has let me believe I should start a 365 art journaling challenge this year and I have started unbeknownst of your post.

    Honetsly I am going in blind. I bought a notebook with numbered pages and I decided to give it a try. I was not planning on posting it to the blog. I want it to be personal if I want it to be. Dairy like if necessary.
    I have made my first two pages. unfortunately the paper is so thin, that the pens are bleeding through. This is already annoying me and might derail the project. But I will stick to it as far as I can and knowing someone else is doing it too help. And maybe I do share a few spreads throughout to keep me motivated.

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