365 Collages | Week 50 | Explained with other words Without great solitude no serious work is possible. Pablo Picasso I took some time for solitude and creating in the studio… Categories Collage
365 Collages | Week 49 | Going in both Directions I got busy with my Christmas journal, but I haven’t forgotten this years big project: the 365 Somethings in 2018. I’m… Categories Collage
December Daily Flip-through | Traveler’s Notebook style Dear all, I hope that those who celebrate had a nice Christmas holiday? And that everyone else survived the madness. I… Categories Art journaling
Collecting Snow Globes I have a very small collection of Snow globes in my Christmas box, that we take down each year in December… Categories Home Comforts
Christmas Journaling in a Traveler’s Notebook I’m filling my December Daily / Christmas journal with stickers, photos and journaling. Here’s an update on what’s on the first… Categories Art journaling/Journaling & Notebooks
Getting Started with Christmas Journaling I journal all year, all the time. I fill up notebooks with text, images and what-not like it’s my only task… Categories Art journaling/Journaling & Notebooks
365 Collages | Week 48 | The glory of being alone Language has created the word “loneliness” to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word “solitude” to… Categories Collage