Random journaling, that’s what I fill most of my journals with. Some books are more random than others, and then even when I give a notebook a specific purpose, sometimes random things end up in there anyway. I think it’s the way my brain works, not in compartments but in a flow.

Traveler's Notebook Randomosity make it fill it love it

Actually my whole life is so full on randomness. Maybe all our lives are? Anyway, that’s why I named my Memory Keeping Traveler’s Notebook series Randomosity. I thought it appropriate that they have a specific name since they’re filled with not very specified memories and random things…

What’s inside iHanna’s Randomosity Journal

I love gluing things down, so I guess that’s the main reason I started this series of notebooks. I’m already filling up number six, and I love how they’re all looking together in the polka dot cereal box storage container that I made for archiving them.

Here’s my definition of what I like to add into my own Randomosity Journal:

  1. Scraps of paper, fun stuff I find and want to keep, stickers, a cute postcard I bought once, die cuts, and such
  2. Memory keeping stuff, like tickets to the cinema, a pamphlet I got after visiting a great art exhibition – often the random stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere else but that I want to commemorate and keep somewhere, memories I want to keep in some tangible way
  3. Random journaling snippets – quick thoughts, often around glued in elements and scraps, just random ideas that wants to be in this inspiring notebook of mine
  4. Printed photos, my own and others, magazine images and instagram pictures, as a way of memory keeping and as a way of decorating – both as valid and awesome to me
  5. Random collage stuff and things I find inspirational – all the little things I see everywhere and want to keep close, but never know where I’m going to put… Snippets of advice in articles, memes from the internet, labels, business cards, quotes & color swatches.

WIP Traveler's Notebook with iHanna

What it’s not

You can define your own notebook and what you will use it for. That’s the Great Freedom of Notebooks, something that I love. This is my way of Doing Randomosity on a page, and I’ve fallen in love with making it, filling it and flipping through it. I love it!

[Tweet “You can define your own notebook & what to fill it with – that’s the Great Freedom of Notebooks!”]

To me this is Randomosity, and you know I’m a fan of all kinds of notebooks, journals and sketchbooks! To me, this is not an Art Journal, because I am not painting much in it and rarely draw inside it. It’s definitely not a Junk Journal, because I don’t like that term at all – I don’t consider it junk at all. I consider it more of Treasure Throw of Joy! It’s not a Photo Album either, because I use what ever I find on my desk. I often forget to print any photos, even though I have loads of them.

iHanna's Traveler's Notebook Randomosity Definition

I love the Randomosity of Things and how they come together to create a new whole, don’t you? It’s my favorite thing. The combination of small things into something bigger, something great.

It’s all Connected in some obscure way

According to Urban Dictionary, randomosity means;

The state of being or being part of random occurrences & activities. Also known as being in a state of complete randomness.

The art of being random. Un-explained acts. Doing something that is not common.

How random something is; It was full of randomosity!

Examples: What made her so special was her randomosity, it made everything seem like it was connected in some obscure way.

Also: Randomosity is the key to happiness.

WIP Traveler's Notebook with iHanna

A Randomosity Workshop

I have decided to create an online workshop based on this concept of keeping a Randomosity Notebook. I want to launch it as early as I can in the spring. It’s decided on a whim (yikes!), so I’m interested in your feedback. Need your feedback badly. Would you like to join me on this kind of notebook adventure? It’s going to be everything from making the notebook to filling it with the randomness of your own life! I am inviting you to join me, but I also need your help… What do you want me to focus on – it’s a big topic just within this tiny notebook.

What would you want to get started on when it comes to journaling, memory keeping and collecting random stuff within a notebook? Please let me know, in the comments below or via e-mail.

If you’re interested, make sure you’re on The Newsletter where I’ll announce it first. Also, please leave me a comment below – that might motivate me to film and edit the workshop even quicker! I feel excited about having this idea out there. I feel grateful to have this platform to dream up ideas like this on. Thank you!

And Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate!