Hacking the Color Wheel – Art Journaling for Creative Rebels
Wanna take hack the color wheel and take an awesome art journal workshop this year? Then this is your chance, right now. I am one of the guest teachers in Kiala Givehand’s upcoming workshop called Hacking the Color Wheel – Art Journaling for Creative Rebels. Love this title so much, don’t you? It’s about book binding, art journaling, color play and experimentation. Yum!

There will be two sessions of Hacking the Color Wheel in 2017. The first session, where I’m one of the guest teachers is starting in June already (yay!) and the second one is in November 2017.
They are sold separately or as a bundle, so you can decide what fits you best. You will have access to each one a lot longer than the two weeks we’re in “session”, but when they’re on there will be more of a community feel and some live stuff happening that is quite exiting. Right now they’re on pre-sale for a great price.
Hacking the Color Wheel
Each session will have a two-week facilitated journey where the teachers will be available in the Facebook group and during live, virtual sessions to help you along your journey. After the two week guided journey, participants will have access to the pre-recorded lessons & live/virtual session replays for up to one full calendar year.
The classes become self-paced once the two week facilitated session ends.
The Early Bird is for sale right now
There are thirteen other teachers in this class, some I know from blogging, instagram or Periscope (!), and you might recognize a few of them too… For example there’s one of my favorite artists Traci Bautista (who wrote the book Collage Unleashed among others) in the lineup! Yay!

Please note: You can buy Session 1 or the whole bundle early – so register today!
Also, I get payed as an affiliate if you buy this workshop (one or both sessions) through clicking away form here, so if you register I appreciate you doing it from this link bit.ly/colorwheelhacking, thanks.
Wishinig you a happy and beautiful day. May the Forth be with you!
PS: You can still buy the year long workshop They Journey Within (where I’m also a guest teacher) in 2017, and as promised, there’s a free form embroidery workshop coming in May, from me. I’m so excited about all these chances to talk to you guys. Online learning and workshops are the best, am I right?
Double thank you for all the sweet comments on my latest video Flip through of my Art Journal. Got lots of kind feedback both you YouTube and via Twitter. You guys are the best.
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