Dear Photo Diary | January Creativity It’s the lens through which your brain views the world that shapes your reality. And if we can change the lens,… Categories Photography
Published: The Story of Pink Thanks for your kind words on my last post my dear friends. There is a lot more than January-blah going on… Categories Digital Life/Inspiration
Fab Quote | Alice in Wonderland If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. Lewis Carroll The words are not an… Categories Creativity & Life
Blue Watercolor Mandala Uncertainty is where things happen. It is where the opportunities — for success, for happiness, for really living — are waiting…. Categories Draw & doodle
A Love Message I found this as I was going through the folders on my computer. I didn’t post it with the other pink… Categories Mixed Media Experiments
Art Journal Peek: Impossible to see the future is I’m interested in lettering. My collection of quotes needs to be part of my art, in some way. Recently I lettered… Categories Art journaling
Awesome Art Supplies | White Nights Watercolors Even a true artist does not always produce art. Carroll O’Connor I got a whole batch of awesome art supplies for… Categories Creativity & Life
Eye Candy | Pink Starlight Eye candy time! It’s a snowy and cold Sunday here, and I’m looking at the starlight in the window again, the… Categories Home Comforts
TED talk moments | Ideas worth spreading I came upon another one of my earlier posts, this one from 2009 (!) called Let’s have a TED talk moment… Categories Inspiration
Words about iHanna I am a lot of things. There are many words that describe me, who I am, what I do, and what… Categories Creativity & Life
Dear Photo Diary | Creativity is a drug Creativity is a drug I cannot live without. Cecil B. DeMille Hello 2015! The month, and the new year, got of… Categories Photography