Art Journal Detail: Label it, by iHanna of

When you find your passion, keep at it! That’s what I wrote on that little label in my Art Journal. I believe in it. And it sounds easy, but it’s not. Especially if you’re anything like me, and are passioned about a gazillion things… How do you divide your time between it all? How do you even divide the pages in your art journal when you want to add in everything?

Art Journal detail: Duck, by iHanna of

Some keep lots of different art journals and notebooks, and divide them into themes and mediums and periods of time. I try not to do that too much. Even having two art journals makes me feel divided in half, and end up spending less time with either of the journals than I do when I just have one. I want one catch-it-all journal most of the time. But for Christmas, I’m thinking I want to create another Christmas journal this year, because I have a lot of “stuff” for it piling up… Who wants to join me?

Anyway. I have been adding in collage, sketches, mixed media painting and writing into the same spread, sometimes the same page in this journal.

I’m a fan of overstuffed pages, where you find new details the more you look…

Some pages are for cut and paste, one of my biggest passions. They’re not art to me, they’re more of glue books. Lots of elements that speaks to me, a mumbo-jumbo of lovely imagery.

Art Journal: I like to cut and paste stuff, by iHanna of

The above page contains, among other things: a quote, a copy of one of my own face drawings, a postal stamp, washi tape, bits from a post-it-note, my name cut from a received envelope and that label about passion in the middle!

Here are details from another spread in this journal:

Art Journal Detail: Geranium color, by iHanna of

Geranium illustration and IKEA washi tape.

Art Journal Detail: Part of a collage, by iHanna of

Part of a collage.

Art Journal Detail: A little fly, by iHanna of

A fly on the wall… and the entire spread:

Art Journal Peek: Stuff and paint, by iHanna of

Two overloaded spreads in a overfilled art journal. What do you think? What imagery speaks to you?