My diary knows my thoughts as well as I know them myself.
Anaïs Nin

Leuchtturm1917 blank notebook

I have bought a hot pink Leuchtturm 1917 blank notebook for myself. Now I can’t remember where I saw this notebook brand online, but once I started investigating it I knew it was something I’d like, really like. Yes, I had a strong notebook craving. You know when that happens and you just have to buy something or you can’t stop thinking about it? Must-have-feeling inside. And of course this German brand were nowhere to be found in the paper stores here in Sweden. But then I found an online store where I could get it at least in Swedish though probably shipped from somewhere else (Desktop store), so I bought it at once! And I really like it!

Since then I’ve seen a small one in a book store in Stockholm, and this kind with lined paper, but my preference is always blank paper. I like blank pages the best because then I can both write and doodle how ever I want to!

Journaling set up

It’s quite similar to a Moleskine blank notebook, with the cream colored pages, rounded corners, elastic closure, pocket in the back and a nice smooth paper to write on – but it’s not as narrow and of course, not black which is a big bonus to me. They come in a whole range of lush colors, and I picked pink. Yum!

The Leuchtturm 1917 also comes with sticker labels for the front and the spine, if you want to name your notebook or write the subject on the front cover. And my favorite thing about it, it has a printed Table of content in the front and also the pages are numbered!

Inhalt / Content / Contenu / Table of content for your notebook
Leuchtturm notebook page numbers

The page numbers are a nice edition for me, because I am using this journal as my diary and lately I’ve been numbering all the pages before I start a new one. Then I use the page numbers to make a table of content to find important writing in that notebook! With already numbered pages I don’t need to do that work, though the page numbers are light gray and very small so sometimes they become a bit invisible on the page. But still, I really like these two simple, but awesome, features.

Leuchtturm Test Page #1

Along many of the edges I do my flower doodle, as demonstrated by me in the book Craft-a-Doodle! But other than doodle along the edges this notebook contains my diary and therefor mostly writing. I would buy it again, maybe in turquoise next time, but I still have a thing for the Moleskine brand and might look for one of those too.

Flower doodle row

Anyways. I do recommend the Leuchtturm1917 Plain Notebook (size 5.75×8.25″) if you feel like giving it a try… Especially if you’re a notebook junkie like me, then I think you need one pronto.

Maybe you’ve already explored this notebook brand? Or if not, what notebooks do you love and return to? Let me know below! Perhaps you’re not into brands, then do you buy what ever notebook catches your eye at the moment?