Inspiration | Blogging and Creativity If you start somewhere and just keep going, you generate endless possibilities. Just because you may not see the importance of… Categories Inspiration
Art Journal Peek: Lurking monster with sharp teeth […] if you re still lurking on the web, then it’s time to stop. We’re all eagerly waiting for your friendly… Categories Art journaling
A Pink Leuchtturm Notebook My diary knows my thoughts as well as I know them myself. Anaïs Nin I have bought a hot pink Leuchtturm… Categories Journaling & Notebooks
About my Creative Art & Writing Practice This blog post is part of the Round the World Blog Hop, sent to me by Quinn McDonald. Read more about… Categories iHanna philosophy
Field Notes from IKEA IKEA is one of my favorite stores, not only because it’s 1) Swedish and 2) cheap but also because I find… Categories Journaling & Notebooks
10 Ideas for your Art Journal I do a lot of things in my Art Journal… I paint, collage, draw, collect, save, experiment, try out new materials,… Categories Art journaling/Tutorials
Building your business the Right-Brain Way | Book Review I am reading Jennifer Lee’s second book on business for creative people right now, called Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way… Categories Read a book
How to start playing with New Art Materials Does your newly bought paints sometimes stay in the wrapping they came in? Do you hesitate to break open the pretty… Categories Crafts/Creativity & Life/Inspiration/Tutorials
Inspiration | Craft Ideas to try We have within us the capacity to manufacture the very quality we are constantly chasing. Daniel Gilbert Even though pinterest is… Categories Inspiration
Making a few Extra Postcards To some of you I know that the thought of making 10 postcards can be overwhelming, but if you give it… Categories Mail bliss/Mixed Media Experiments
The Magic of the Art Journal World I sometimes think of my art journal as a magical fantasy world. Like a physical place that you can visit any… Categories Art journaling
Working in my Tiny Treasures Sketchbook Whatever you choose, however many roads you travel, I hope that you choose not to be a lady. I hope you… Categories Draw & doodle/Journaling & Notebooks