Inspiration | 5 Amazeballz Ideas I like to dabble in a little of this, and a little of that. And I collect amazeballz ideas. The first… Categories Inspiration
A Fun Craft-a-Doodle Challenge for kids During studio time (a now sought after thing) that includes crafts, creative exploration and lunch, we doodled for quite a while…. Categories Draw & doodle
Craft-a-Doodle Book Review A few months back I got an advance copy of Jenny Doh’s new book Craft-a-Doodle, because I am one of the… Categories Draw & doodle/Read a book
Peek into my Personalized DIY Calendar This is my Personalized DIY Calendar. A calendar, like your life, is a constant work in progress. It will never be… Categories Journaling & Notebooks
Sparkling Self Love How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. Anne Frank This weekend… Categories Creativity & Life
Before and After Art Journal Elk Page When binding an Art Journal I use a lot of different papers. Like I said, I love to mix and match!… Categories Art journaling
DIY Calendar | Cream Colored Pages I’m a wee bit calendar obsessed right now, because it’s January and a whole glorious year is ahead of us! I… Categories Draw & doodle/Paper Crafting
DIY Calendar Idea | Make Your Own Index Tabs Not happy with the current selection of tabs on the market? Make your own! Customize them in your own style and… Categories Paper Crafting/Tutorials
Outside the box Cross Stitching The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore… Categories Textile Art
Video | Creativity on Instagram I’m @iHannas on instagram, are you following me on instagram yet? One of the things I really enjoyed in 2013 was… Categories Digital Life
DIY Calendar Idea: Transparent Dividers I am thrilled that so many of you are enjoying the printable pages that I shared with you guys last year!… Categories Tutorials
New Year Inspiration | Word Collage Prompt My current diary will be full in just a few pages. I thought I’d pick a new one for January, but… Categories Journaling & Notebooks