Week in the Life 2013 | Thursday at the office

An ordinary Thursday in the Life of office girl iHanna, as she is documenting the entire week 37 of 2013. It was a great week to document, with good weather and a great new camera to keep me company. It’s also fun to compose these posts, picking out some favorites from the day and getting feedback from you guys!

Morning walk
On my way to the train I stop and look at my neighbors flower garden, and take a few photos to share on instagram.

As I commute and go into the city I tend to think of my environment as gray and boring, far from where I would spend my day if I had lots of money in the bank… But when someone commented that they wished their life was “as pretty as mine” I got to think about where I am, and where I wish I were.

I think you can choose to see and focus on what’s beautiful each day, and that’s my goal. With these photos, with this blog, and with my art. Instead of rusty trains I see beautiful graffiti and patterns on the ground. It’s a mindset I can’t always keep, but it’s what I strive to use every day.

As you pick up your camera your photos will reflect your inside; how you feel and what you are thinking about. Are you thinking about the heavy gray sky and your boring day – or the wonderful shape the trees make against that gray sky?

Office Me
And if you need a colour boost, you put on colour. Here are a few favorite views at my office:

The structure of the bathroom window.

My new blinds.

A healthy lunch.

Morning coffee
Fresh cuppa.

My collage work. And I’m also reflecting on how extremely ugly I think all the cords in our homes and offices are. We tend not to see them, but in a photo they become permanent marks of technology:

Office Desk
I love being connected and having electricity, but I dislike how tangled they make everything both in the office and at home!

Event Break
Event working.

Dinner with bro

New book
New book that arrived yesterday! It’s Quilting Happiness by Diane Gilleland and Christina Lane, a book that I’m going to review as soon as I have time to read through it.

Evening lights
And winding down in front of the TV, in candle light and the Swedish darkness outside my window. Because it is autumn after all…

How do you choose to see your everyday life?