Collage: Y for yes please!
Y for yes please!

Yet another week of collage you ask? Will this never end? Well, as far as I’m concerned, no, I hope it will not end anytime soon. I am still loving creating square collages and I have many more ideas that I want to play with in upcoming weeks!

Collage: Schyy!

So, schyy, don’t complain. Be joyful with me! Celebrate creativity! I am super happy I embarked upon a 365-project this year!

I would love to know what you think in the comments below. What, if any, collage speaks to you most – and why? Thanks in advance!

Collage: Mae Mae
Mae Mae

Collage: Improvisations

Collage: Will I see you again
Will I see you again?

Collage: Will I Love Again
Will I Love Again?

Collage: Transitions

Yup, that’s seven new collages. I hope you like them. Thank you for your visit & Happy Glue it Tuesday!

Previous post in the series of 365 Collages in 2013 was Week 32. Next up is week 34!