Square of Fabric

I can have such huge sewing cravings, where I long to handle and patch together fabric. But because I do so many different things I postpone most of my ideas “for later”. But this one couldn’t wait!

Backside of Patchwork Pillow 2013

I got these very small leftover bits of vintage bed linen fabric from a real fabric collector. She didn’t even realize that somebody could be interested in those small bits, but I am – and I did take some of them with me home. Oh the happiness!

Patchwork Pillow Pink, Green and Yellow

I cut small squares (10×10 cm) and sewed them into this patchwork pillow in green, yellow and pink. Here it is in the sofa now, together with the kantha pillow I did earlier this year:

Patchwork and Kantha by Hanna Andersson

Isn’t it a happy pillow?