Poster, Card and Book design

You know I am a member of the Swedish Embroidery Guild? And I take on way too much work just because it’s so fun… This spring I did the layout and text editing for an entire book, celebrating that the Guild has existed for 20 years! We asked the members to embroider a story in some way, and send it in to be part of the jubilee exhibition. Then we surprised everyone by making a book that all members got sent home – for free! I made the layout of the exhibition poster and the invitations to the vernissage too.

Boken Broderade berättelser av Hanna Andersson

It was really fun to work with this project, and I love all the embroidered images and stories in this book! My embroidery is included too, of course. I gave the book a pink spine and title – and nobody protested. Pink victory!

Here are some pictures of the book:

The book Broderade Berättelser

Intro to the book Broderade berättelser

Spread in the book Broderade berättelser

Another spread in the book

And photos from the exhibition and vernissage day in Eskilstuna:

Eskilstuna Statsmuseum Broderade berättelser

Red Geraniums, Eskilstuna
In Red Shoes

Embroidery Exhibition Broderade berättelser
A book designed by iHanna

Free drinks for everyone

And I also, finally, decided to tackle the actual layout of the member magazine! This is the current issue out now:

Embroidery Guild Member Magazine
Embroidery mag layout
I didn’t change much, but it’s super fun to work with the layout of the pages.

I love that computer work becomes printable matters, like books and magazines! Actual things that live on the shelf of hundreds of people, to inspire for many years to come.

What a great feeling to be part of all that!