Creativity in Snapshots | January While the weekly collages are my main form of expression right now, I also try to get some art journaling done… Categories Photography
365 Collages | Week 4 The first collage, Lesson in being Crazy, is the +1 from week three. Then when the last day of week 4,… Categories Collage/Creativity & Life
Life Artist by Ali Edwards – a book review Through the photos I took, I was able to see (literally see) how really amazing and lucky and blessed I was…. Categories Photography/Read a book
The Polka Dot Oilcloth Desk Because I am messy I use a big oilcloth to cover the desk where I make my art. I’ve had this… Categories Crafts/Home Comforts
Weekly Inspiration: Pattrn app + entrepreneurial toolkit A while back mom asked for help to get a nice background for her new smart phone. I helped her download… Categories Digital Life
Spotted Photo Theme: Smilla the Cat January’s spotted photo theme around here is my cat Smilla! For you, if you want to join, it’s all about A… Categories Photography
The Moment to Snap Photography is not like painting. There is a creative fraction of a second when you are taking a picture. Your eye… Categories Photography
Introduction | Spotted Photo Theme I have been thinking about a photo post idea for two years now, and now (finally) it’s time to get it… Categories Creativity & Life/Photography
365 Collages | Week 3 You begin with the possibilities of the material. Robert Rauschenberg Last week I noticed I was finding my way back (very… Categories Collage
iHanna’s List of Creative Achievements 2012 Wow! We are way into the first month of the year and now, finally, I’ve compiled a celebratory list of 2012… Categories Creativity & Life/in list form
Drawing Exercise: A Yellow Bird I’ve heard it said that every day you need half an hour of quiet time for yourself, or your Self, unless… Categories Art journaling/Draw & doodle
Featured blogger: iHanna I really enjoy this mag! I wrote a review last year about the first issue of Featuring, a new magazine about… Categories Inspiration