It’s time for our second round of art journal list prompts (intro here). And you don’t even have to be an art journaler to join in. Just write your list in a regular notebook or a on a blank piece of paper… It doesn’t have to be fancy, coloured or long!

Last week my list Loves of Spring was written on some watercolour paper where I painted a sun before writing the list:

The List Journal: 5 Loves of Spring

The quote on the right (love this quote from Pooh) is attached to a fold out flap, a.k.a. sub page by Tammy who made this journal for me. Folding it out it reveals today’s page and my second list.

The prompt is: 5 books from books read so far this year!


The List Journal: fold out to 5 books

List prompt: 5 books I’ve read this year

So write a list of five books today. I picked five from the list of books read so far this year. If you don’t read much you could list 5 favorites of all times or the most recent ones that you still remember. If you don’t read books at all, I guess this is not a prompt for you. Boohoo! But reading is so much fun, maybe you should give it a try. I recommend all the books in my list!

The List Journal: 5 books from books read so far this year

  1. A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness (nice romance novel about a woman in academia not wanting to acknowledged that she is from a family of witches, meeting this handsome guy that happens to be a vampire)
  2. The Ice Princess by Camilla Läckberg (it’s a rather good Swedish crime novel in a series of several, translated and available on amazon)
  3. Familjegraven by Swedish author Katarina Mazetti, one of my favorite authors. The second book about a couple who are together but sometimes doesn’t go together… (Mazetti’s books are translated to over 25 languages, including German and French, but not many are in English yet, sorry guys!). Her writing is quick and funny and often about the dilemmas of everyday life.
  4. A Dangerous Fortune by awesome Ken Follett (another favorite author, read because I borrowed the book from a friend)
  5. The Pulse of Mixed Media by Seth Apter (read my review here)

Read any of these? What did you think?

Also check out Tammy’s book list today, and then write your own and feel free to add a link to it in the comments below.