Third of Advent

Advent (from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming”) is a tradition almost everyone honours here in Sweden. It’s a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of Christmas. However you choose to celebrate the holidays the count down is made by lightning candles. One each Sunday until the 24th, so today is 3d of Advent and I’ve lit my un-traditionally looking advent candlestick.

As I was walking home from the train the other day, in the darkness of the early evening, I was thinking how nice it is to see all the lit windows. Electric candlesticks, stars and twinkle lights everywhere you look. It’s like everyone is joining in to make this dark month a little bit more light.

Wishing you a beautiful Advent!

PS: Also check out cute christmas labels, christmas craft ideas (one of my pinterest boards) and Nina who is doing a drawing a day in December.