Music I listen to I’m thinking that I should create some kind of visual reminder to hang on the wall that will remind me to… Categories Art journaling
Pay a blogger day I just found out via Sister Diane’s Craftypod blog that today is Pay a blogger day (that’s their campaign site), in… Categories Digital Life
Book review: Painted pages by Sarah Ahearn Today’s post is a book review of Sarah Ahearn’s book Painted pages – Fueling Creativity with Sketchbooks & Mixed Media, but… Categories Read a book
My lovely hand dyed fabric pile My lovely pile of hand dyed fabrics! This year I’ve experimented with the idea of “making the material my own” more… Categories Crafts/Textile Art
I own a Lamy Safari I’ve been wanting this fountain pen for a few years, hearing only good things about it. And now I own one…. Categories Creativity & Life/Draw & doodle
The most inspiring place: my home I had to stop and take a photo… The sun came through the window and made me smile. The H on… Categories Home Comforts
Before & after: turquoise stool While painting the table I also transformed this IKEA stool that I’ve had for a few years. Its simply made to… Categories Home Comforts
Fabric, Watercolours and Embroidery Human beings… have an inherent tendency to seek out novelty & challenges, to extend and exercise their capabilities, to explore, and… Categories Textile Art
Inkblot creatures revealed My inkblot number 1. What did you see? In my last post I asked if you could see or imagine anything… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
Inkblot exercise: What do you see? My inkblot number 1. What do you see? I have learned how to do something called “inkblots” by Leah Piken Kolidas… Categories Mixed Media Experiments
Art Journal Peek: an owl love storie Here is another peek into my Art Journal. I doubt that I will add anything much to this page, even though… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life