Favorite posts from 2011 Last year I wrote a post with my Favorite posts from 2010. While reading back through the whole year I picked… Categories Digital Life
Christmas Gifts are Wrapped Wishing you a Merry Christmas! I have wrapped the gifts and painted my nails red. I am ready. Hope you are… Categories Photography
My visual wish-list I’ve put together a Visual Wish List on Pinterest, trying only to add things that I would really like to own…. Categories Creativity & Life/in list form
Embroidery is so Captivating Captivating, free form embroidery by iHanna, a.k.a. Hanna Andersson, 2011. I created this embroidery for a challenge with the theme “captivating”… Categories Textile Art
Pink window lights I’ve got pink row of lights hanging in one of my windows. Every time I look up I feel warm inside…. Categories Home Comforts
On Deep Writing This week I am finding my way back to writing by hand. At night I’ve been opening my diary and writing… Categories iHanna philosophy/Journaling & Notebooks
Art journal peek: Red calligraphy ink Testing out some red calligraphy ink on a page. It came in a bottle and I used a dip nib to… Categories Art journaling
Advent Advent (from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming”) is a tradition almost everyone honours here in Sweden. It’s a time of… Categories Creativity & Life
Art journal peek: On butterfly wings A page in my Art Journal: On butterfly wings. Pencil, pen and watercolours. It’s one of the last white pages in… Categories Art journaling
Build a rainbow Want to build a huge beautiful rainbow? This is my advice: pick just one colour and start there. If you try… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
Music I listen to I’m thinking that I should create some kind of visual reminder to hang on the wall that will remind me to… Categories Art journaling
Pay a blogger day I just found out via Sister Diane’s Craftypod blog that today is Pay a blogger day (that’s their campaign site), in… Categories Digital Life