Favorite posts from 2011 Last year I wrote a post with my Favorite posts from 2010. While reading back through the whole year I picked out three favorites and I’ve done the same thing… Categories On writing
Christmas Gifts are Wrapped Wishing you a Merry Christmas! I have wrapped the gifts and painted my nails red. I am ready. Hope you are too? It’s time, so let’s do this Christmas-thing once… Categories Photography
My visual wish-list I’ve put together a Visual Wish List on Pinterest, trying only to add things that I would really like to own. I notice that there is a lot of pink,… Categories I write Lists
Embroidery is so Captivating Captivating, free form embroidery by iHanna, a.k.a. Hanna Andersson, 2011. I created this embroidery for a challenge with the theme “captivating” (fängslande). I got my idea rather late and only… Categories Textile Art
Pink window lights I’ve got pink row of lights hanging in one of my windows. Every time I look up I feel warm inside. They make me super happy, and transforms the room… Categories Home Comforts
On Deep Writing This week I am finding my way back to writing by hand. At night I’ve been opening my diary and writing about this and that and nothing special. And it… Categories On writing
Art journal peek: Red calligraphy ink Testing out some red calligraphy ink on a page. It came in a bottle and I used a dip nib to write and doodle this page. Then I coloured around… Categories Art journaling
Advent Advent (from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming”) is a tradition almost everyone honours here in Sweden. It’s a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of Christmas…. Categories Uncategorized
Art journal peek: On butterfly wings A page in my Art Journal: On butterfly wings. Pencil, pen and watercolours. It’s one of the last white pages in my current art journal, and it’s no longer white…. Categories Art journaling
Build a rainbow Want to build a huge beautiful rainbow? This is my advice: pick just one colour and start there. If you try to start with all of the colours you end… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
Music I listen to I’m thinking that I should create some kind of visual reminder to hang on the wall that will remind me to listen to music, or maybe put Spotify in autoplay… Categories Art journaling
Pay a blogger day I just found out via Sister Diane’s Craftypod blog that today is Pay a blogger day (that’s their campaign site), in her blog post “Pay a blogger day and How… Categories Digital Life/On writing