The Perfect Protest Everyone has his faults which he continually repeats; neither fear nor shame can cure them. Jean de La Fontaine From my… Categories Art journaling
A Creative Nudge or two… Diana Trout (who wrote the inspirational Journal Spilling book) wants to nudge all of us into creative action. She is starting… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
49 Creative things You Can Do Today A big part of my life is centered around creativity. In todays list you will find a few of the projects… Categories Digital Life/in list form/Inspiration
A fabric rainbow, a foldout zine and other pretty stuff Serendipitous I won a package of these hand dyed fabrics from Kristin a few weeks ago. I love how the fabrics… Categories Creativity & Life/Inspiration/Mail bliss
Collage: Mr. Walrus and his mustache Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind…. Categories Collage
Tea Dyeing Fabrics Hi there! You are invited in for tea. What flavor do you like? Nobody around here drinks ordinary Earl gray, so… Categories Creativity & Life/Mixed Media Experiments
Class: 21 Secrets for your Art Journal Taaa-daaa! Together with Dirty Footprints Studio today I present to you the online class 21 SECRETS: An Art Journal Playground! It… Categories Inspiration
You will craft nothing less than epic with your life The Swedish cover of Marisha Pessl’s book Special Topics in Calamity Physics is one of my favorite book covers ever. It… Categories Read a book
My Magic Mixed Media Bag The title of this post could be a metaphor for my creative life; In my wonderful and magic bag of mixed… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Mixed Media Experiments
Filming for my first online class Something to remember, from Kerouac’s Rules for Spontaneous Prose: You’re a genius all the time! I mentioned the 21 Secrets class… Categories Creativity & Life/Digital Life
Sew with acrylic painted fabric Painting your own fabrics is exciting to me. Altering what is to see what you get is an adventure. Exploring new… Categories Fabric & Sewing
Image Transfer with Matte Medium Did you know you can create your own Image Transfer in your Art Journal using matte medium? It’s a bit time… Categories Art journaling/Mixed Media Experiments