Fly photo of Inner landscape II

Fly photo over a Inner Landscape II, mixed media embroidery by Hanna Andersson.

As promised here is the second mixed media embroidery. The first one was very green if you remember. This one is very pink. I call it Fly photo over a Inner Landscape II

mixed media embroidery

It has paper, plastic netting, acrylic paints, fabric, lace and all kinds of stuff in it, but most of all tiny stitches. Lots and lots of my tiny hand sewn stitches spread across the surface. Adding colour and texture. Adding me-ness to my work. Please leave a comment if you like it. And have a closer look below, I think there is much to look at in this one!

mixed media embroidery

More photos/details of this embroidery:

mixed media embroidery
mixed media embroidery
mixed media embroidery
mixed media embroidery
mixed media embroidery
mixed media embroidery
mixed media embroidery
mixed media embroidery