Are you aware of the therapeutic value of cutting out magazine images? I know some of you already do this regularly. Saving images to a personal imagery archive of clippings (to be used in future diary pages, collages or art journaling) is very calming and always cheers me up.

Sorting through magazines

Recently I have “swiped through” and cleaned out a whole bag of donated interior design magazines, making more breathing room on the shelf (and in my life). I do this by going through them one by one and cutting out everything that looks interesting. I am obsessed with pretty images and photos. I love collecting them, and the piles of paper pile up… fast.

Cut it out baby (Photo by iHanna - Hanna Andersson)

Before I start I always think that I’m going to try to sort it all into piles but that never happens. When one magazine is weeded out the mess around me is taking over everything. There will be paper scraps on the floor and a desk filled with papers in front of me. I guess I go into the flow of it and forget that I am supposed to be organized and thoughtful.

I think of going through a pile of magazines and then putting them in the recycle bin as de-cluttering, thought it really is the opposite!

The process is now in several stages, I just have to accept that. First 1) Cutting everything I like out and then 2) Sorting through the piles several times and 3) cutting out smaller images more accurate. Finally 4) putting it into flat chocolate boxes or transparent plastic folders for storage. No sorting by category like I once tried. The only sorting is by size and that background images and patterned papers are by themselves.

Allt i hemmet-röra (Photo by iHanna - Hanna Andersson)

The Benefits of Magazine Cutting Therapy

* The prettiness of magazine images cheer me up
* The text and headlines occupies my brain and distract negative thoughts
* The cutting calms me down
* The mags themselves were donated by friends, so it is a very cheap therapy
* The fun of it turns me in to the creative flow
* Creative flow makes life easier
* When in flow you forget about time and just enjoy yourself more
* The idea of throwing away old magazines makes me feel free of clutter…
* Clutter clearing is known to be good for the soul, makes us breath deeper!

You see why I love it so much? The flow if like a antidote to depression or tiredness like I’ve mentioned before. To me it is my therapy when I want to Do Something but don’t have any ideas in my head… If you have tried it you know what I’m taking about. This is how you get started:

Sit down with a few magazines that you have read and are not saving. Poor something to drink, I prefer cold coffee. Use small but sharp scissors and start browsing. Cut out everything that speaks to you: pretty patterns, words, quotes, images, illustrations. Tear out whole pages. Make a big pile of yummy images and leave the cleaned magazine in the recycling bin. Enjoy yourself.

What to do with your images? Make a pretty collage in your diary or on a printer paper that you can stick to your wall above your desk. Make postcards, book covers, collage art, file folders, dream boards, experiments… Or just keep them because you like them, sort your images into a small box and enjoy your pretty collection.

And, my dear friends, if there are any yummy images left in your magazines when you decide to part with them, give them to me.

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