The fog and the frosted grass The fog and the frosted grass (photos from 2008-10-29) The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness. Mindfulness means being awake. It… Categories Photography
I think Halloween socks! Booo-hoo! Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe We don’t celebrate Halloween here in Sweden. Though, as everything around… Categories Crafts/Photography
The Garden in October (and some tea) Posting more photos from the atumny garden today, hope that’s okay with you? Notice the bokeh in the photo above? :-) Today I started to listen to a new audio… Categories Photography
Custom made alphabet stamp set I don’t know if anyone (except the four that commented) was interested in How to custom make a unmounted letter set but I personally love the photos, so here are… Categories Creativity & Life/Mixed Media Experiments
How to mount & custom make a alphabet stamp set This is how I did create a very pink iHanna set of cool letter stamps! It’s might not be the usual way to do it (I think) but it worked… Categories Mixed Media Experiments/Tutorials
I like autumn the best of all the seasons Snowberries. Bird bath in stone. The sunflower in our garden is still proud, even though time is taking its toll. The once yellow mandala is now fragile. The wabi-sabi of… Categories Photography
Doodles and contemplating in my Diary Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Rumi [found via jen] More… Categories Draw & doodle
Details from within – Schyyy, it’s private and I’m only sharing it with you! When I speak of writing, the image that comes first to my mind is not a novel, a poem, or a literary tradition; it is the person who shuts himself… Categories On writing/Paper Crafting
Study in mindfulness It was a long time since I posted any Smilla images to my blog, wasn’t it? So here we go, a study in mindfulness as Smilla is laying on my… Categories Photography
Sewing with fabric scraps from the trash I am the hole in the flute that the Christ’s breath moves through. Listen to the music. Hafiz Asking the question: What if… What if… some of my Daily Art… Categories iHanna's Thoughts/Textile Art
This and that, bits and pieces Here are some links I found this weekend as I was browsing the web. Time to read about writing and journalism, knitting, mixed media art, art journaling and more! Art… Categories Inspiration
Creative guys that paint & write Before I became an intensely creative person I was intensely obsessed with something else: books! I was a reading girl and books was my passion! As I’m not creating any… Categories Creative People